NCT127 - Breakup ( Funny )

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Hey guys I'm back with another segment.

This time we are going to see why and how are you going to breakup with the boys, it's funny version (I'm not ready to do the sad version ) so don't brawl your eyes out ( Just kidding ..... or am I ? )

without any further adieu let's dive in...



- Baffled

- Can't process the words you had just said.

- Finds the reason on why you had decided to say this.

- " Baby is it because I called you Sicheng by mistake that one time ? "

- " ONE TIME ?! "

- " It was an honest mistake ?" 

- " Really could you not see the difference between me and him " 

- " I know he is too pretty for you I'm sorry I should have never compared you with him "

- You storm out taking your bag.



- " Have you gone mad or hit your head, why would you want to leave me ? "

- " Because you are full of  yourself bish "

- He would stand in front of mirror to see why you had left him.

- " Is she jealous that I'm much good looking then her ? "

- You would leave the place.

- Still in the front of mirror admiring his beauty and self complimenting.



- " is this because I called you my kids mother " 

- " Taeyong they are not your kids, they are 22 grown ass men "

- Shuts your mouth " They might hear you, it's actually 22 and counting "

- " What the fck " 

 - You would leave.

- Ends up dragging to your room.

- " You young lady are grounded for three weeks for cursing in front of me " 



- " Yeah just leave already "

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