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✨Your greatest responsibility is loving yourself and to know you are enough✨

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Your greatest responsibility is loving yourself and to know you are enough

12th May

Okay, I don't look... no, I look bad.

I looked at myself in the mirror as I wore this fitted red dress. Today was graduation day and I couldn't be more excited to close this chapter of my life.

Goodbye, high school. You haven't been anything but great pain in the ass.

"Chubby, you know you shouldn't wear that, right? I can see all that." She gestures to my whole appearance "Do you want people staring at you?" That's my god-awful sister, Beatrice. The eldest of us five siblings. I hated that she called me Chubby. Everyone did.

Yes, I'm... I like to use the word curvy but my family does not agree with that.

She came home just for my graduation as did my other sister, Olivia. Beatrice said "You have less than an hour to get ready before we go, chubby. Hurry up." Olivia peeked her head in with a cup of tea in her hand, brewing her tea with the teabag. She snorted "Yeah, even the graduation gown won't hide all that, chubby." Beatrice said the last time "Hurry the fuck up." And both of them walked away, closing the door behind.

I bought this red dress not even four days ago. I sighed, pushing back a strand of my brown hair behind my ear, fixing the curl that I worked an hour on. I mumbled to myself "Well, jeans are always the safest option." But I didn't want to wear jeans. I wanted to wear this dress that I so excitedly bought for myself. Taking the dress off, I looked myself in the mirror in granny underwear and a cup-bra. I wished that I wasn't like this- I wasn't chubby. I wished I had a flat stomach, boobs that were not equivalent to a fourteen-year-old, a cute belly button instead of a frown that just stares back at me all day. I don't remember a day when I didn't wish that I wasn't stuck in this body. I've been wishing that since the day I started making memories.

My train of thoughts was cut off when my phone rang. I picked it up and I heard her shouting at me "Bitch! I'm coming to your place in two. Gonna pick you up." I smiled at my best friend Jade and said "Bitch! I'm coming with my sisters."

"Oh hell no! I woke up early to get dressed so I could come to get your ass myself. I don't care what happens. I'm picking you up."

I smiled at her frustration and then kept my phone back on the charger.

My best friend Jade isn't your average best friend. She's loud, she's annoying, she's a Latino monster in a female body. And when she gets angry, she will attack you and curse you in Spanish nonstop. With a smile on my face, I walked to the closet to get myself a pair of black jeans and a black blouse.

Love, Curvy | 18+Where stories live. Discover now