Chapter 10: Was taken away by the bad guys

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"Actually, the facial features are very delicate, but they are too thin."

The orc beside him said a fair word. Seeing how he knew the lion beast, the two should be companions.

Bai Yue does not recognize his spiritual body, but only feels a bit like a sika deer without long horns, so let's call him brother Lu.

The lion beast shook his head and said with pity: "It's a pity, a pity."

He said "pity" several times in a row, and then continued: "Wolf Salter is a capable person. How good is it to join my team? He just went it alone and bought such a useless female."

Useless female...

Bai Yue squeezed her lips tightly, and her cheeks bulged.

If the orc can also see spiritual power, it can be seen that her body also exudes a touch of spiritual energy, but it is much thinner than the orc, almost nothing.

Although I don’t understand what the Lion beast said, what is she useless? Is this chubby girl useful?

But this does not prevent Bai Yue from hating him, very annoying.

The lion beast said that he approached Baiyue two steps, changed his face when bending down, and said amiably, "Will you hang out with your brother?"

You invite me in this tone of kidding kids, I will be silly to agree.

Bai Yue was firm in her heart, but she was not good at speaking. She had to hold her dragon fruit tightly, shrinking back, staring at him with a watchful eye, and the resistance was clear at a glance.

However, the lion beast ignored Bai Yue's wishes and picked her up directly from the wooden horse.

"Captain?" Brother Lu came in a hurry and said, "If Wolf knows that, he will get angry."

Bai Yue was shocked. She heard Brother Lu's words one after another: Yes, yes, my stupid master is very powerful. You better be careful.

"Afraid of him?" The lion beast sneered, holding Bai Yue out.

Bai Yue was anxious, holding the bowl in one hand and scratching in the air with the other.

Seeing that she was about to be taken out of the door, Bai Yue's heart almost jumped out, took a deep breath, and shouted, "Don't go!"

This shout was like a "pause button" button, and the males around him stopped for a moment, looking for the sound source and looking over.

The lion's footsteps were also frozen, and he looked at Bai Yue in surprise.

In fact, generally females can talk, but only a few words and sentences. Even so, Bai Yue suddenly opened her mouth, which made many males envy her owner.

"I said how wolf will choose you, it turned out to be very clever." Lion beast clearly understood.

Bai Yue didn't dare to say too much, but kept struggling, looking around, looking for help.

Fortunately, this play area is guarded, and the orcs can safely trust the females here, which is definitely guaranteed.

Especially Bai Yue shouted so loudly, quickly attracted two strong security orcs.

"What happened? This female did not seem to be brought by you?" one of the security guards asked the lion politely.

Bai Yue was even more restless, and the message "I was caught by a bad guy" was distributed all over the body.

The lion beast stroked Bai Yue's back a few times, but the strength of holding her increased a lot, Bai Yue was strangled with body pain.

The ancients said: Wealth cannot be prostitute, and power cannot be surrendered.

Under the suppression of force, Bai Yue didn't want to succumb, but she couldn't make big moves if she wanted to struggle. It seemed that she was really comforted.

She can only hope for the two handsome security guards.

The two security guards were quite professional. They didn't loosen because Bai Yue was pacified, and they stood still in front of the lion.

Lion beast said: "I am a lion, this is the female of wolf nitrate, wolf nitrate and me are good friends, wolf nitrate is worried about her alone, please take me for a while, the two females also have a companion."

"It turned out to be a lion brother. I have heard the name of the lion brother for a long time."

Bai Yue's heart was not good, seeing the dragon fruit in her hand, she went directly to the head of the lion.

The lion beast responded very quickly. He raised his hand and took Bai Yue's arm, took away the dragon fruit, and put it on the side table.

"It's a bit of a confession to me." The lion beast jokingly smiled and nodded Bai Yue's nose.

Bai Yue bit her mouth, the lion's fingers flew out immediately, Bai Yue bite empty, and the two rows of teeth made a bang.

The several males who were present suddenly couldn't help laughing, and even the two unsmiling security guards couldn't stretch their expressions.

"But this does not meet the regulations." The security guard laughed, saying so, but he seemed hesitant.

Lion beast said: "I can't be too rigid in doing things, can I still hurt a female? It's illegal. You know me too. If something happens to her, I can't run away."

The two security guards looked at each other and finally let go.

"That's fine."

Lion beast nodded gratefully at the security guard, picked up the dragon fruit in one hand, held Bai Yue in one hand, and strode away.

Bai Yue listened to Lion beast's words and was relieved a lot.

It turned out that she was still protecting animals, and she took herself away under the eyes of all eyes, and this lion's should not hurt her.

Rather than trying to get rid of the risk of exposing IQ, she might as well walk with him. She doesn't want to be too eye-catching, just to be a rice worm in the stupid master's house.

The Future Beast World: The Wife You Bought, can't Bear CubsWhere stories live. Discover now