Untitled Part 42

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Chapter 42 – Ask for advice

In the early morning, a ray of light rose from the horizon, making the whole world clear and bright.

There are tea houses, taverns, pawnshops, and other shops on both sides of the street. Yet none of them have opened the doors yet since it's too early in the morning. But food vendors have already set up stalls in the open spaces of the street to welcome the start of a new day.

After paying the vendor, holding the cake in a paper bag, Chuntao walked towards Su Qing who was waiting for her at the intersection under a big willow. He handed the cake and asked, "Your Highness, why do you want to come out to eat?"

Chuntao used to get up early when she was in the palace, so even after coming to Gu courtyard, she didn't change her habit. At dawn this morning, she was startled when she saw Su Qing rubbing her eyes while standing in front of the door.

She thought that last night the Seventh Lord......

The freshly baked pastry is crispy yet soft, very satisfied to the stomach.

Su Qing suggested Chuntao should also eat. Biting a piece of pastry in her mouth, she vaguely said with slightly bulging cheeks, "Because I want to go to Shifang restaurant to take a look....."

Shifang, is the name of her new restaurant.

Yesterday, Gu Zifu said that he wanted her to make him a sachet with vanilla fragrant. She looked for it for a long time and still couldn't find vanilla. In the end, she went to ask Shuangqiao and found a splendid vanilla field. It looks good yet cannot be used for the sachet. Using the excuse of going out to buy vanilla herbs, and conveniently go check at her restaurant.

Prior to this, in order to increase the popularity of the restaurant, she has specifically told the steward to open the restaurant in the morning selling some simple noodles and porridge. She didn't know if this marketing strategy would work or not.

Chuntao didn't understand about this. She saw that Su Qing wanted to visit the restaurant, she nodded her head and vowed, "I will be with Your Highness wherever you go."

Su Qing hmmed, pretending not to believe her words, "I don't believe you."

Chuntao quickly wrapped the oil paper tightly in her hand, hid it behind her back. She took a few steps back and said, "If Your Highness doesn't believe me, I, I will let you eat anymore."

"Well, your courage is getting bigger now." Su Qing reached out for the pastry bag.

Chuntao did not let her get her own way, the two played with each other and laughed for a while. After having enough fun, the two sat down and relaxed in the shade under the willow tree and finished the leftover pastry.

Whiled chewing the pastry, Su Qing's eyes stare at the steamed bun stall on the opposite side of the road.....hm, it looks delicious too.

At first, she tried to throw out her thought of eating it, but in the end she could not resist it, and picked up two large steamed buns on the way to the restaurant.

Su Qing's snowy cheeks are slightly pink due to the hot weather. While walking, her small mouth could not stop eating the bun, looking so cute with bulging red cheeks, passerby on the road would take a few glances at her and gasp in admiration.

At that moment, steward Zhuo was checking the ledger. When he heard someone looking for him and waiting at the back door of the restaurant. He thought about it for a bit, then asked the waiter to keep an eye at the restaurant and quickly went to the back door.

As soon as he opened the door, a big white bun appeared right in front of him.

When he saw who it was, he said helplessly, "Your Highness, young lady can't causally eat on the street like this If to let others see, they would surely criticize you."

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