A few things about this book

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Hey guys, I hope you're all doing well! I wanted to say a few things about this book now that's finished.

I didn't want to write a perfect love story or create perfect characters because frankly, perfection doesn't exist so no one should be chasing after it.

I wanted to create characters that at least some people could relate to in one way or another. I wanted to create characters with their own insecurities and their some not so great personality traits to say it like that.

Like for example, Mia is an over-thinker and an indecisive person which that could be a bad thing sometimes.  Axel acts on his overwhelming emotions and it's quite blunt sometimes and that could end up being a bad thing.

I wanted them to make the wrong choices, the wrong moves sometimes. I wanted them to say something they didn't mean in the heat of the moment. I wanted them to make some mistakes.

I didn't want you, the reader, to be happy with them all the time. I wanted you to feel frustrated or angry with them at times and happy and excited maybe other times. I don't know if any of you did 😂 but that's just my thoughts!

Also, the book would go through the second and third hand of editing and fix any grammatical mistakes when I have time.

Anyways, have a lovely day or night and thank you all for spending time reading my book or commenting or voting or doing all three things, I appreciate you all! ❤️❤️

May 2021 be a better year for everyone, don't lose your hope guys and do what you love to do, always!

All the love -M xx

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