Chapter 29

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I lay on the sofa in my living area, an open beer in my right hand, looking at the ceiling as I tune out the conversation my friends have about video games and food. My thoughts running wild about the talk I had with Mia yesterday.

She hasn't texted me anything and neither have I.

Everything I have to tell her I'll do it face to face from now on, that way she can't escape me.

I'll give anything to know what's going on in her mind regarding our talk. Okay, actually I lie, I'll give around £50 only because she might be thinking about Carter and he's not worth even a penny. Plus, I'm a student I can't be going around and giving all my money like that, I'll like to save as much as possible.

Anyway, on a more serious note, I hope she'll take into consideration the things that I said to her. I hope she'll admit to herself that she has feelings for me. I hope she realizes that I'm worth it.

At least I think I am.

I don't know what'll do if she stays with him. I'm scared, to be honest. This feeling is new to me and I'm not sure how to handle it.

"Axel!" Aiden's voice startles me, they're all looking at me.

"What?" I sit up on the sofa and taking a sip of my beer.

"What happened with Mia? I saw you dragging her across uni yesterday, " Aiden raises an eyebrow, resting his hands on his knees with his fingers intertwine.

"You what!?" Luca and Matt yell at the same time giving me their full attention.

"Oh, don't listen to him he's exaggerating! Drag her is a strong word, I just merely lead her by her arm towards a more secluded area to..."

"Kiss her finally?" Matt interrupts me.

"No! To talk of course! She has been avoiding me for a while now, " I say with a frown on.

"Oh, " Matt says, nodding his head as he relaxes leaning back on the sofa.

"What did you do to her?" Luca questions me.

"I'm slightly offended. Why would you think I did something to her?" I say.

"Because I know you for 4 years. Now go on tell us what you did, " he sounds bored while drinking vodka.

"I said to her on Christmas day that I'm falling in love with her, " I lean my head back, closing my eyes.

I hear someone choking so I open my eyes to see Aiden hitting Matt on the back. I didn't even see him picking up his drink. Luca, on the other hand, is frozen mid-air holding his drink. He spits the drink he had manage to put in his mouth back in the glass before putting it down. Matt coughs a couple more times before taking deep breaths.

Jeesh! Why are they overreacting?

"Excuse me?" Luca asks me.

"You guys are acting as if I told you that I'm pregnant. I'm in love, is that so weird?" I exclaim.

"Actually, don't answer that!" I point a finger at Matt that opens his mouth to speak.

He closes it instantly.

"Oh, for God sake! Why the hell did you do that? I mean I knew you were an idiot sometimes but man, " Aiden says hand on his forehead and eyebrows furrowed.

"I don't regret it, " I shrug.

"She's still with Carter, " Luca stated as if I didn't already know that.

"Thank you, Luca, for stating the obvious. No need to rub it even more in my face mate, " I take a sip of my beer and cringe at the look-warm temperature.

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