Chapter 67

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I've been staying with Rebecca for the past almost week now. Weirdly enough I haven't really heard any yelling or arguing from the time I came back. I haven't heard Patrick's voice at all now that I think about it. It could be though because I haven't really left my room at all during this time.

Rebecca has been bringing me food every day and leaving it on my desk for me. She hasn't asked me what happen after I told her I wasn't ready to talk about it. I wanted to tell her. I wanted to start making things right and I wanted to start with letting Rebecca in. I wanted her advice as my foster mother. I wanted her advice on the matter from a woman's perspective.

I obviously told my mates what happen and I couldn't hear the end of it from Mat and Luca. As for Aiden, he told me as well that I was an idiot but wasn't surprised that I pulled back. Luca and Aiden told me to take my time and that if I'm not ready for a relationship, then I'm not and to not push myself to get into something too quickly because that's just going to create more problems later on.

Mat had a different opinion though. Mat told me that I need to have a conversation with Mia asap and tell her exactly what I'm feeling and the concerns that are holding me back. He said that she won't be sitting there waiting for me to go back to her for long.

I know that she won't but fuck!

I rest my arm above my eyes and tone my thoughts out and listen to the raindrops hitting hard my window. It's a gloomy day today. We had like a heatwave that lasted a couple of days and now we're back to cloudy, windy and rainy days.

Fits with how I'm feeling.

Rebecca knocks on my semi-closed door and peeks inside.

"Can I come in?" I lift my arm and look at her looking at me with concern.

"Sure, " I say sitting up on the bed with my hands on my lap playing with the jog strings.

She takes a seat at the bottom of my bed and looks at me for a few minutes before sighing.

"What happens? It's been a week and I don't want to push you to tell me anything but I can see that whatever you did is eating you alive, " I snap my gaze at her and frown.

"What makes you believe that I did something?"

"Motherly instinct, " she says shrugging her shoulders.

"Can I ask you something first?"

"Of course, " she smiles at me.

I can tell that she's happy that I'm talking more to her and actually having a conversation.

"Where's Patrick?"

I look towards my door as if I was checking if he's there.

"I'm surprised you didn't ask me sooner about him. It's been quieter hasn't it?" I chuckle.

"Yeah, awfully quiet."

"I broke up with him and I'm in the middle of getting a divorce." Her words make my eyebrows shot up in pure shock.

I was not expecting that at all. 


I don't even know why I'm asking her that. I'm glad that I won't have to see that asshole again but curiosity got the best of me. I want to see if it was because of me or something else that happened while I was living away.

"I didn't like the way he was treating you like garbage. That just prove to me that he didn't really love me cause you are my son and if he couldn't love you and accept you as his own then..." she lets her word linger looking around my room.

"We go as a package to every man that wants me in his life. If he doesn't want you then he doesn't get to have me and I'm sorry I didn't to it sooner. I should've put my foot down harder. I should've been more stern with him on the matter. I left him to put you down one too many times. I was blinded by love at the beginning when we would end up fighting about you he would always say that he's sorry and he wouldn't do it again."

I shake my head.

"Theirs no need to apologize to me, Rebecca. Yes, you should've been more determine from the beginning to put that message across but you're not responsible for his actions and words. It's all good and I'm happy for you for getting rid of him." A soft smile forms on her face as I speak.

She suddenly stands up and comes closer to me. I let her sit next to me on the bed and put her arm around my shoulder.

"Now tell me what did you do to Mia that make you hurt so much."

Again, how the fuck did she knew that it involves Mia.


"Motherly instinct, now spill, what on earth did you do?" She cuts me off and I sigh rolling my eyes. 

I told her everything that happened with Mia from the beginning, like the very beginning. From how we became friends to me getting feelings for her, to me winning her over and us spending two weeks in absolute bliss before everything came crashing down like a mountain of snow. I told her that I didn't really know what to do to and still don't.

I'm lost. I don't want to lose Mia.

"Oh boy, " She takes a deep breath before speaking.

"Look Axel honey, you panicked okay, no one can really blame you for that. All these feelings and relationship and commitment are new to you, okay. You pushing her away though isn't going to fix any of those concerns. For a relationship to work and actually go somewhere it needs good communication. If you're feeling a certain way or have some thoughts or concerns talk them out with her. You had a week now on your own to think things through. She respected that and gave you these time to process everything. You need to talk with her now face to face and it's better to do so sooner rather than later. The more you waste time, the fewer chances you have of her giving you guys a chance. I met her once before, she seems like a lovely girl that really loves you and I can see that you do too. I can never repay her for bringing us closer together. So please call her."

She places a kiss on my temple and leaves me alone closing the door behind her. I think about everything she said to me.

I pick up my phone from the bedside table and go on my messages with Mia. I hover my fingers over the keyboard.

I'll need to do this sooner than later.


Hey guys, I hope you're all doing well and that you enjoyed this chapter!

Let's see if he actually press his fingers over the keyboard... in the upcoming chapters.

The book is close to its end unfortunately so, not a lot more of Mia & Axel left. 💔😭

Feel free to comment & vote! ❤️

I hope you have a great day/night! Xx

All the love - M ❤️

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