Let's talk about Mia

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Hey guys,

I hope you're all doing great and staying safe! ❤️

Maybe don't read this if you haven't finished the story cause it has a little spoiler about the ending later on!

Also sidenote, exciting announcement coming here later on today!

I thought I'll come here again and talk about a few thoughts I have on Mia and also clear some stuff that I saw in the comments.

Mia was never intentionally flirting with Axel. It was always in a joking manner, so no she wasn't really cheating by "flirting". There is a difference between intentionally flirting with someone and just joking.

There are some people out there that are naturally more flirty with everyone or like dirty joking a lot with their friends, it doesn't mean they want to do stuff with them or fancy them.

In my opinion, Mia was emotionally cheating on Carter with Axel. So please, don't follow Mia's footsteps!

Hope this is cleared out.

It's easy for an outsider looking in or a reader to say just leave him, just break up with him but sometimes that it's easier said than done. Everyone is different, so everyone handles situations differently.

As I said before somewhere I don't remember where I think in the comments, Mia is a person that's afraid of letting Carter go because he played a big part in her life for the past couple of years and she still values him as a friend and she's also afraid of the change that will bring to her life. Maybe she even has some attachment issues.

At the end of the day, what story would this have been if Mia were to immediately break up with Carter and be with Axel? As I said on a few things about this book chapter, I didn't want to write a  perfect love story with perfect characters.

Mia gets annoying and becomes a bitch even maybe sometimes, you will get angry with her, frustrated and disheartened.

At the end of the synopsis for this book on Mia's part it literally says Will she finally learn to move on and let go? Only time will tell.

In the end the very end she did and she even said how she regretted not breaking up with Carter sooner in the brief talk with her and carter chapter.

Also, again if you don't like this story or it becomes tiresome for you to read this or you don't like it anymore then please leave this book. Their's no point in reading something you don't enjoy.

Tell me what do you think of Mia?

I hope you guys have a great day/night! ❤️

All the love -M xx

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