Chapter 22

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Clutching my hot chocolate in my hands, the cup brings warmth to my palms. I let out a sigh for what seems like the 10th time today. Maya has been patiently sitting across me sipping on her tea and blowing her nose every 5 minutes. She's had a cold for a week now.

"I really don't know what to do, " I say.

"I really don't know what to tell you, " she says in her nasal voice.

"I'm confused...I love Carter but things aren't going great between us. We have been constantly arguing for the past 5 months. Like for example even though I talk to him about spending more time together, he took me out twice, one which didn't end up going well and that's it. Now, we're back to how things were before the talk. So we didn't do any progress at all. It's frustrating! Sometimes I feel like I'm talking to myself cause, I'm the only one listening." I say tucking my hair behind my ear.

"Did you guys fight again?" she asks me eyebrows scrunch together showing her concern.

"He came home last night drunk and we had a fight which resulted in me sleeping in the guestroom."

After Axel dropped me off I noticed that Carter wasn't home. I called and texted him numerous times but I got no response. He didn't tell me that he was going somewhere. I waited and waited and got worried as more time was going by.

Finally, at 3 am he strolled through the front door stumbling and hitting walls, laughing while I was standing at the bedroom door arms crossed watching him.

"He wanted to have sex and I said no cause we run out of condoms and the whole argument about me getting on the pill started again, " I scrunch up my nose at the burning sensation of my beverage trickling down my throat.

"Oh no!" she says clutching her head and rolling her eyes.

"Oh yes!" I scoff.

"What is it with boys and not wanting to wear condoms! I swear some are acting as if we're asking them to cut off one of their balls!" she says making both of us burst out laughing.

"Maybe I should ask Axel about it. He would for sure answer to that, " I say chuckling.

"You're spending a lot of time with him, " she says smirking at me.

"Yeah, I guess I do. I like his company! He's very chill and we've become really good friends! I'm happy about that, " I say smiling.

"Are you sure you're seeing him as just that?" she raises an eyebrow.

"Axel is confusing me a bit, I won't lie. Sometimes I'm not sure if he's seeing me as a friend or someone he wants to hook up with. I don't want to lead him on or make him think that there's something potentially there for us. Because for me, he's just a good friend! Also, just because I'm having problems with Carter doesn't mean that I'm going around getting feelings for someone else, " I say defending myself.

"Okay. I wasn't accusing you of anything, but Mia you won't be able to cling on to Carter forever. Do you think you're relationship can go any further? Do you see the potential of him being the one?" she asks me.

I think back to all the fun memories we have from our first year being together but then I move on to our second year and it's just full of arguments, fights, yelling, not spending quality time together, him going out with his friends getting drunk while brushing my efforts to spent time with him aside.

I think to our sex life which is not great, especially since he refuses to try or even discussed with me what I like in the bedroom. Him lately arguing about me getting on the pill is just another issue.

We have both very good and bad memories. A lot of people say that you should focus more on the good memories you had with someone and I'm really trying to do that.

"It's really hard you know...especially since we've been friends 5 years prior to us getting together and we've been a couple for almost 3 years. Our parents know and love each other. My mum was even gushing to me the other day about how she can't wait for him to propose to me! I don't want to disappoint her. I don't want to lose Carter completely either. I don't want to ruin everything, " my shoulders slouch as I lean back on the chair.

"Who's in this relationship Mia? You or your parents?" she rolls her eyes.

"Me, " my voice comes out as a whisper.

"Exactly! I know your mum and trust me, the only thing she wants is for you to be happy. If Carter isn't the one making you happy, she would be the first person to tell you to drop his ass and move on, " I chuckle.

"Come on Mia! You're not the type of person to give a shit about how anyone else thinks. So why are you worrying about your parents? They love you and want only the best for you, they wouldn't mind if you called them right now and tell them that you broke up with him. They aren't going to disown you! So take a step back, calm down and think, " she takes a sip of her tea.

"Ugh! This is disgusting!" I giggle at her reaction, knowing that she doesn't like tea.

"Then why did you order it?"

"It's supposed to help when you're sick, " she pushes it away from her.

"Anyway you're not avoiding the question, " she smiles.

"I want to give my relationship a second chance. I really do. I've known him for so long, he's a good guy! Maybe uni work is really getting to him. Maybe if he snaps out of it everything will go back to how they were. We do have incredible memories together from when we first got together. They're full of laughter, adventure and love, " I say thoughtfully.

"You didn't answer my question, you kind of dance around it, " she points out to me.

"What question?" I was hoping she wouldn't notice.

"Is he the one? I know we're both young. I'm 20 you're going to turn 20 in a few days but for example, I know James is the one for me. I mean we have been together for 6 years so big difference but still, do you think he's the one?" she asks me.

"A year and a half ago I did think he's the one, now I'm not so sure," I mumble playing with the rings on my fingers looking down.

"They why do you waste your time with him?"

"I'm not wasting my time with him! I love him okay? Yeah, I'm not sure if we'll be together forever right now, so what? I still want to be with him now. I'm giving us a second chance because he deserves it, " I rub my neck trying to relax.

"If that's what you want, " she sighs defeated almost.

Maya doesn't really like Carter, she thinks I can do way better.

"That's what I want, " I say more confidently this time.

"At least for now, " I say under my breath for me and only me to listen.


Hey guys!

I hope you're all doing well!

I hope you enjoy this chapter and stay tuned for more coming soon.

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Hope you have a nice day or night depending on when you might be reading this! Xx

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