Chapter 32

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I clench and unclench my fist, my knuckles are still sore from the fight a couple of days ago. I texted Mia but she's ignoring me again. I hope I didn't scare her away with my behaviour. I know I have some anger issues but no one ever cared enough for me so I learned not to care for me either.

I still remember the way her eyes were fucking mine, the dress clinging on to her body make me want to rip it off her but I wouldn't.

I think Mia is the type of girl to slap me across the face while yelling about how expensive that dress was.

I don't want to find out if what I'm thinking is true.

Then my thoughts started to stir towards the guy that got to hold her the entire night, Carter.

Why does he get to have her? What does he got that I don't? Does he have a more chiselled body? Is he more fit than I am? Is he a better kisser and better fucker? Is he better with words, is that it!? Does he spit pretty words to her? Does he make her laugh louder than I do? Does he raise her heartbeat higher and faster than I do?

I ran my hands over my face and hair letting out a sigh, my shoulders slouching. I wait for Mia outside her lecture room so I could talk to her. I need to see if she's mad at me. I need to see if I'll need to fix things or if we're good.

The door opens and a mass of both excited and relieved people come out but no sight of Mia yet until I spot her with her friend Maya.

"Mia!" I shout out her name making a few people around us to look at me.

She turns and looks at me rolling her eyes before continue walking with an awkward-looking Maya next to her.

"Mia!" I walk faster trying to catch her.

"Mia, hey! Why are you avoiding me?" I say to her as I catch her skinny arm turning her around.

"Cause I don't want to speak to you! Isn't that what avoiding means idiot?" She is in a sassy mood today again.

"Well I'm fine with that I can do all the talking, " I say before dragging her for the second time in a more private area.

"What do you want Axel?" She rips her arm from my grasp and leans on the wall crossing her arms over her chest.

"I'm sorry for seen me get in a fight with someone. I was drunk and you pissed me off, " I say running my hand through my hair and playing with them whilst walking up and down.

"I pissed you off? Yeah, throw the blame at me why not? I'm not the one who forced you to put your fist on that guys face! We didn't even exchange a single word that night, " she was getting frustrated with me already, great!

Fix your shit, Axel! You're losing her mate!

"I turn my pain into anger. Do you have any idea how much it hurt me to watch him hold you and kiss you all night? The girl that I'm falling helplessly in love with? I was tipsy and mad and sexually frustrated because I couldn't take my eyes off of you the entire night. You looked beautiful and sexy! I just wanted to bend you against that table and fuck your brains out not giving a damn who watch!"

She takes in a sharp breath as her mouth falls open.  Her palms getting sweaty as she tries to dry them by wiping them on her jeans. At least I know that my words have an effect on her.

"Axel please, " she says in a quiet voice.

"Please what? Please touch me, kiss me, fuck me? Or please stop saying how you're feeling about me?" I move closer to her trapping her in my arms.

Our breath mixing together from the proximity of our faces. One small move forward and our lips will collide.

"Please stop saying things like that. I have a boyfriend and you telling me your feelings make me uncomfortable. Plus you don't have a problem picking girls up so that's one problem solved for you, " she says shrugging her shoulders.

"What are you talking about?" A frown appears on my face.

She scoffs while shaking her head leaning it back on the wall trying to put as much distance between us as possible.

"You know for someone that says that you're going to fight to win me over you sure do an awful job at it! Because if you think you'll win me by hanging out with other girls like the way you did at the club then you're wrong, " she spat those words out with so much anger.

"Can you elaborate please cause I have no fuckling clue what's that supposed to mean?"

"Had a great fuck that night Axel? Cause I definitely had!" She says coming closer to my face our noses touching.

I take a couple of steps back shoving my hands into my pockets looking at the ground. I can instantly feel the guilt eating her away.

"I'm sorry...I didn't mean...I," she says struggling to put a sentence together.

"Wow! Low blow Mia even for you. Just so you know, seeing as you want to act like a jealous bitch. I didn't fuck anyone that night. In fact, I haven't fucked anyone since late October at the very beginning of our friendship. It's good to know though that now after almost 3 years of being with him he learned how to fuck you right. I mean shit man! I knew how you liked been fucked when we just exchange a couple of words." I look up into her eyes that are filled with guilt and tears.

"I'll fight for you. I didn't change my mind. I haven't even started trying. You know what? I thought that I was weak because I couldn't get you out of my mind. I couldn't stop myself from falling for you...but no, that's you, " I say pointing a finger at her.

"You're holding on to thin air because you don't want to be seen as the girl who left her boyfriend for someone else even if that someone else is better. You're weak because you can't admit that you're falling out of love with him. You're weak cause you can't admit that you're falling in love with me. You're weak because you can't admit that you're dying to run your hands all over my body, to kiss me, to let me hold you. I won't do any of those things because I'm not going to help you cheat and give you a reason to break up with him. I'm going to win you and then I'll do all those things."

I turn around without another word and left.

Time to win her over.

Time to prove to her that I can be better than him.

Time to fight for her.


Our boy is not holding back, is he? Damn Axel!

Sometimes you need to tell things how they are for the other person to understand.

Let's see if Mia understood... 👀😬

I hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter!

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Have a nice day/night! Xx

All the love - M ❤️

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