he gets jealous of you wearing Michael's clothes a lot (requested)

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A movie night with your boyfriend and three best friends sounded like the best way to spend the evening, in your opinion.

You had your head resting comfortably on Calum's chest, his heartbeat thudding steadily in your ear while his fingers brushed through your hair as the movie played.

He'd lay kisses to the crown of your head, making your heart flutter each time his lips brushed against your head. You weren't tired, but you had closed your eyes just out of how comfortable you felt.

Your boyfriend finished the last of his water and tossed the empty bottle into the trash can by the couch.

"Baby," he whispered in your ear and you opened your eyes to look into his deep brown ones. "Think you can sit up for a minute? I'm gonna go grab some water."

You nodded and got out of his arms so he could go into the kitchen. As soon as he left the sofa, your warmth and comfort were gone and a chill came over you. You rubbed your arms as goosebumps appeared on your skin and your eyes met with Michael's from across the room.

"Here," he mumbled, handing you his hoodie which you happily pull over your head. You thanked him and he turned his attention back to the film and the snack on his lap.

It was an innocent gesture. Being with Calum for a few months now, you've grown close with the boys and your bond with Michael was closest of all. He looks out for you like you're his sister, as though you've known each other for life.

So giving you his hoodie isn't anything out of the ordinary, especially since you're so close with him and borrow them quite often.

You never thought about it, simply thinking about it as a friend giving you a hoodie to help you warm up until your boyfriend joins you again. But you could tell, when Calum came back, that he wasn't exactly happy.

From the look in his eyes to the way he moved across the couch to put as much space between you as possible, he didn't seem like he was happy anymore or that he wanted to be bothered.

But you didn't like that. He's your boyfriend, your cuddle buddy, and as soon as he was back you were moving close to lay your head on his arm. But he pulled away from you and stared straight ahead at the tv, refusing to look your way. His jaw was clenched, his teeth sinking into his lips to bite at the skin.

"Cal?" you tried to lay your hand on his arm but when Michael looked back at the two of you, he suddenly got up and stormed upstairs. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, curious as to what came over him. But you followed him upstairs nonetheless.

He tried to slam the door, but you were quick to put your foot in to keep him from doing so. Even in his anger, he wasn't about to hurt you, so he just sighed heavily and sat on the bed, still refusing to speak to you or look at you.

"What'd I do? You seemed fine before you left but now you're upset at me and you won't even tell me why."

"Look at who's hoodie you're wearing, y/n. It's not hard to put the pieces together."

You looked down at Michael's hoodie over your body and realized why he was so upset.

"Oh, Cal. I was just cold-"

"Yeah, tonight! But you wear his hoodies a lot! Not just tonight. You wear them more than you wear mine."

You sighed and cupped his chin in your hand. It took you a minute to convince him to look at you, but you finally managed to. He didn't seem so angry now. He just seemed... sad.

"I know how much you love your hoodies and I don't want to constantly take them from you."

"I wouldn't ever mind." He said, tone serious.

"You trust me, right? Because you know that I'm close with Mikey. He just lets me borrow them from him. I don't mean to hurt you in the process."

"I know." He sighed. "I shouldn't have gotten so upset at you or him. I trust you. I trust both of you with all of my heart and soul. I like the bond you share with the boys and especially Mikey. I just got jealous. You look cute in hoodies and I guess I want you to wear mine more than his."

You chuckled before laying a soft kiss on his lips. He relaxed into your touch as you dropped your head to his shoulder and pulled you into his arms to hug you tight.

But he pulled away only a moment later to go to his closet, where he pulled out his gray hoodie and then came back to you. He watched you pull off Michael's hoodie then helped you pull his over your head.

"I like this. It's soft and it smells like you." You mumbled and he knelt on the floor in front of you. His eyes were full of stars, looking at you like he'd never seen anything so beautiful in his life.

"You look so cute."

"I might just have to steal this one from you," you warned playfully, only for him to nod his head excitedly before pushing his lips onto yours for a passionate kiss.

"It's yours now. You look better in it than I ever could, anyway. You deserve it, baby girl."

You laughed and put your arms around his neck to pull him up and on top of you as you fell onto his bed. His forehead hit yours, his eyes locked intensely with your own but still staring at you adoringly.

"My girl." He whispered in your ear. "I'm crazy about you."

All you could do was smile against his lips and repeat the words back to him and he knew, right then and there, that he'd finally found the one.

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