at least we've got each other (requested)

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You leaned against Calum, burying your face in his neck to breathe in his comforting scent. You felt weak and unsteady and he was feeling just the same.

Usually, he enjoys these days. Days where he and the boys do some interviews and they get to meet some of the fans and, of course, he gets to let you tag along. You're practically attached at the hip, only separated these days when you have no other choice, such as when they go on stage to perform.

He's happy he's brought you with him on tour because he wouldn't know how to get through the long days without you.

Like today.

You're both feeling unwell. The screams from the excited fans that were just outside the building, waiting to see Calum and the boys as they exit the place their last interview for the day took place. They were so much louder than usual.

You felt uncomfortable, whimpers and whines falling from your lips and into your boyfriend's hoodie. It took everything in him to not do the same. He didn't want to worry the fans that he knew were looking on. He just held onto you, counting down the minutes until you got into the car.

"Only a couple more minutes then we'll get into the van and go back to the hotel."

He was trying to reassure you and bring you a little comfort, but he was also trying to do the same for himself. He felt hot and tired, wishing everyone would just hurry up so you could get into the van and then go to the comfort of your warm hotel room.

"Ready to go?" Michael asked as he and the boys walked over to you and Calum.

"You guys really don't look good." Luke sighed, staring at the two of you in worry.

"I'm okay. I just want to get to the hotel." You said as Calum rubbed your back soothingly, but none of them were buying it.

You both looked miserable. There was no denying it, no matter how much you and Calum would try.

"Come on. Let's go to the van." Ashton said and guards began to swarm around you, determined to get you all to the van safe and sound.

Ashton went out first, followed by Luke, then Mikey, and then you and Cal. You leaned your head on your boyfriend's arm, keeping your hand wrapped in his as you tried to keep yourself together.

You were only feeling worse by the minute. It felt like you'd never reach that van, as if it was miles and miles away.

But, finally, a moment later, the guard was helping you inside. Calum got in after you, curling up with you in the back.

You put your head on his lap and squeezed your eyes shut. Calum did the same but put his head back against the seat, taking deep breaths to try to hold back the sick feeling creeping up his throat.

The boys were looking at the both of you in concern and then back at each other. They knew something was wrong.

While your boyfriend was able to keep himself together for the most part, able to keep himself from getting sick and taking deep breaths, you weren't so lucky. It wasn't working for you and as the van moved as the driver drove down the road, your stomach started to turn.

You quickly sat up, causing Calum to open his tired eyes and the boys to look even more worried than before.

"I'm going to be sick." You mumbled as you placed your hand over your mouth.

The boys desperately dug through their bags, trying their very hardest to find something for you to get sick in.

Finally, they found a clear bag that was around the van and quickly passed it to Calum. Once it was under your mouth, your stomach turned once more and your mouth watered before you began to get sick.

It took everything in Calum to not do the same. He tried his hardest to comfort you while also having a little space so he wouldn't end up throwing up with you.

"We're at the hotel," Luke spoke softly as he patted your knee in comfort, looking between you and Calum in concern. "We'll help you guys up to your room and take care of you if you need anything."

You weakly nodded as you finished getting sick.

The boys got out first. Ashton took your hand, carefully helping you out of the van and onto your feet. Then, Luke and Michael helped Calum. They guided you through the lobby and to the elevator, ignoring the stares you all got from fans that recognized them or curiously looked at you and Calum.

They helped you into the elevator and you steadied yourself against Ashton as it moved up. Your stomach was turning again and it took every ounce of your strength and energy to keep yourself from throwing up all over the floor.

You reached the hotel room a moment later. Michael had the extra key to your room and used it to get you inside.

You felt relief when you felt the mattress against your back as Ashton helped you to bed. Calum was laid down beside you, his forehead covered in beads of sweat.

"Neither of you feel feverish," Michael said after feeling both of your foreheads.

"I think I'm getting carsick," you mumbled, keeping your eyes closed. "This is the first night we'll be spending in a couple of weeks off of the tour bus and we've been traveling in the van all morning today and almost all day the last couple of days. I think it's just catching up to me."

"What about you, Cal? You feel the same?"

Calum nodded tiredly.

"Okay. Either of you feel like you're going to throw up?" Luke asked and they all sighed in relief when you and Calum shook your heads.

"Good. Maybe some rest will help. You both sleep as much as you need to. There's no show tonight and we're all done with interviews and everything for the day. If anything comes up, we'll find a way to excuse Calum from it so you can just lay in bed and sleep." Michael told you both.

"You're still now, no longer moving. Hopefully, your stomachs will settle soon and you'll both begin to feel better." Ashton said before Luke covered you and Calum up with a blanket.

"Try to rest. We're all next door, so if you need anything, knock on the wall or the door or just text us and we'll help."

"Thank you, guys," Calum said as he carefully pulled you a little closer to him.

"No problem. Sleep now." Ashton said and you both nodded as you started to sleep.

The boys put trash cans on the floor beside both of you, just in case. They quietly walked out of the room after closing the blinds and turning off all the lights so you and Calum could rest up.

"Cal?" You whispered quietly, wondering if he'd fallen asleep.

But he hadn't yet and he was quick to open his tired brown eyes in worry.

"Feel sick again?"

"No." You said and he cracked a small smile when your eyes met.

"Good." He whispered.

"I hate being sick." You sighed as you played with the strings of his hoodie.

"Me too, baby. But at least we've got each other. we'll be fine. We're safe in this bed. We're not moving anymore. We'll feel better soon. Let's just sleep and see how we feel. Maybe if we feel better we can get some soup for dinner from room service or something."

"That sounds nice." You sighed as you drifted off to sleep while he brushed his thumbs along your cheek.

"It does. We'll be fine, baby. I'm here to hold you." He said as he pressed a small kiss to your head. "I promise."

"I love you."

"I love you too, y/n. Sleep tight." He mumbled as he fell asleep beside you, hoping just as much as you that you'd both feel better when you woke up.

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