you have a panic attack when you watch the show in the crowd (requested)

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Calum kept his eye on you from his place on the stage.

Tonight is the first time in a while that you're watching the show from the crowd. Usually, you watch from backstage, it's where you feel most comfortable. You don't really like the loud screams in your ears or the somewhat looks you get from some fans, but you wanted to watch from the crowd tonight, and everything seemed to be going well so far.

The boys were in the middle of performing 'if walls could talk' and Calum looked your way. He flashed you his beautiful smile and then looked around at the fans before he started to move around on the stage with the biggest smile on his face.

You watched for a moment or two, till you felt an elbow hit your back. You didn't think much of it at first, just simply brushing it off as accidental as you watched your boyfriend have the time of his life as he lived out his dream.

But as Luke made his way closer to the edge of the stage people started to shove you to get closer and crowd around you, making your anxiety grow. You felt like you couldn't breathe as you looked around, only seeing excited fans and darkness because of how close they all were.

Calum went back to his spot, ready to stare at you again. But you weren't where you had been standing before. He looked around and when his gaze landed on you being pushed back way further than you were meant to be and he saw the look of fear on your face, everything else seemed to fade away from his mind. All he could focus on was you, and getting you out of there.

He bent down and waved a guard over, telling them to get you out of the crowd and backstage where it was safer. Calum quickly explained the situation to Michael, promising he'd be right back out after he checked on you first, and he was so thankful that Michael was understanding about it.

Calum rushed backstage and handed his bass to one of the crew members. He could see you struggling to catch your breath. Your eyes were squeezed shut and you were trembling. He knelt on the floor in front of you and took your hands into his. "Y/n, look at me, baby."

You opened your eyes to meet his worried ones. He licked his dry lips, trying to hide how his heart was sinking in his chest from seeing you so anxious and so scared. "I'm right here. Try to breathe."

You shook your head, ready to tell him that you couldn't, but he shushed you before you could. "Shh, it's alright. You can, I know you can. Just try to breathe. You're safe now. No more crowds, no more screams, no more darkness. It's only me and you, I'm right here." He kissed your hands and let his thumb brush across your knuckles soothingly.

He heard you start to take shaky breaths but with his help, as he breathed with you, you started to calm down. "That's my girl." He encouraged, leaning forward to kiss across your shoulder soothingly.

Your grip on his hands had loosened and your breathing started to return to normal a few minutes later. He saw a bead of sweat roll down your forehead. Your hands felt a little clammy, but he didn't seem to care one bit. He still held them in his. He wouldn't dare let go of you till he knew you were really okay.

"Doing okay?" He checked a moment later, seeing how you seemed to be coming around.

"I think so. I just got so overwhelmed, Cal. It was dark and fans kept pushing me to get closer to Luke and it got loud and-"

"Shh," he soothed, brushing his lips across your forehead delicately. "It's alright, I understand. You got scared, baby. You got anxious and there's nothing wrong with that. You're safe now. You're back here and I'm gonna make sure this is where you stay for the remainder of the show."

You nodded but ducked your head as you tugged your lower lip between your teeth.

"What is it, my love?"

"Sorry you missed a few songs."

He shook his head and let it fall to your shoulder. "Don't be. The boys covered for me. You're way more important to me. Are you feeling okay? Need some water?"

You nodded your head and Calum grabbed a cold bottle from nearby. He held it for you since your hands still seemed a little shaky. "Better?" He asked, relieved to see you nod your head.

"Yeah, thanks, Cal."

He gave you a few soft kisses and then hugged you tightly.

"You have a show to finish, superstar."

He chuckled and brought you in for one more kiss. "You're sure you're okay? You know if you need me then I'll be right back here by your side in a heartbeat. You just tell someone to get me. We have like six songs left and then I'll be right back to hold your hand again."

You smiled, feeling overwhelmingly grateful that you got so lucky to have someone who loves and cares so much for you.

"I can't wait. Now, go back out there, baby! You're gonna do great!"

He smiled at you, kissed your cheek softly, then grabbed his bass again and went back out on stage, happy that he was able to make you feel better and that you were much safer and much more comfortable backstage.

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