he falls asleep on your lap during a live stream (requested)

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The first thing Calum heard when he came inside was the sound of your laugh. You were upstairs but he could hear it from where he stood in the bottom step of the staircase.

It was refreshing to hear after the terrible day he'd had. It brought a smile to his face for the first time since he kissed you goodbye this morning.

He climbed the stairs as quickly as he could. His energy was drained almost completely, so he was taking his time going upstairs. When he made his way down the hall he could hear your voice coming from the bedroom. His heart began to beat faster in his chest when he heard you talking about your music.

Oh how proud he felt of you. This has been a huge month for you. You were in a girl group, and a pretty incredible one at that. You put out new music that has done amazingly well, but that didn't surprise your boyfriend one bit.

He loved seeing you climb the charts and watch your dreams cone true right in front of your eyes. He's your biggest fan, as you are his, and he felt almost certain that this is the happiest you'd ever been. Understandably so, considering your band is getting so much love these days.

He stood in the doorway for a moment. It was like everything else disappeared in that moment; his worries that weighed heavy on his shoulders. The things he's gotta get done and the lingering memories of his long day.

He watched you smile and laugh as you talked with your band about all the music you've got coming out soon and how indescribably excited you felt! He found himself smiling with you as he leaned against the doorframe, just admiring you until you looked over at him and realized he was there.

"Excuse me for a second." You said them muted everything so you could talk to Cal.

You noticed how tired he looked. His hair was a mess from tugging at it a lot. His eyes seemed heavy and he looked so sleepy, yet so cuddly and adorable.

"Come here, baby." You smiled and he made his way over to you. Kicking his shoes off, he climbed into bed beside you. He stayed away from the camera so he wouldn't get noticed. Your relationship was no secret but he never wants the conversation to be about your relationship when you're working so hard.

He laid his head on your lap and he hummed when you combed your fingers through his hair.

"You're so handsome," you mumbled and kissed his forehead causing him to giggle. He tilted his head up and gave you those sparkly eyes that make your heart melt.

"You missed, baby girl." He smiled then closed his eyes and puckered his lips up. He heard you laugh before your lips were brushing over his. "I love you." He whispered when you pulled away. His eyes were closed and he was quickly falling asleep.

"I love you too." You said and resumed your livestream with your band mates. It didn't take long till you heard your boyfriend snoring softly, breath fanning against your thighs as he slept peacefully.

"Sweet dreams, baby." You whispered and continued to brush your fingers through his hair as he slept soundly.

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