he accidentally hurts you

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Staring down at your boyfriend, your heart was filling with so much joy and so much love it almost felt like it was gonna burst right out of your chest.

He was below you, squirming around as he laughed loudly and pleaded for you to stop torturing him by tickling him. "Y-Y/N!" He said through a laugh, his eyes crinkled from smiling and laughing so hard.

"It's not so fun being tickled like this, now is it?" You asked, reminding him of how much he had tickled you yesterday. Although it was only to make you smile because you seemed so sad for some reason. But nonetheless, he showed you no mercy, and you weren't holding back on him, either.

He had his eyes closed as he continued to laugh. He was trying to wiggle his fingers out of your grip over his head. He was moving around blindly, trying hard to escape the torture. He managed to free his hand and he only meant to lay it on your shoulder to gently push you away and lay you on your back, hoping to get his revenge.

But much to his horror, his hand came into contact with your cheek instead. You whimpered and his eyes flew open at the sound. His heart broke when he heard you wince in pain.

"Oh no. Baby, you alright?" He moved your hand to gently cup your cheek. His eyes were filled with sadness, his smile now long gone when he realized that he had really hurt you.

"You need some ice? Does it hurt badly? I'm so sorry, baby girl, it was only an accident!" He rambled nervously. You winced as his fingers brushed over it which only made his eyes grow wide. You sent him a small smile and laid your fingers over his.

"It's okay, Cal. I'll be alright. It just hurt a little and caught me off guard."

That didn't seem to bring him any relief. He felt terrible.

"I know you didn't do it on purpose."

"I would never!" He said, eyes soft and apologetic.

"I know. I'm going to be just fine, baby. I promise!" You cupped his cheeks and he wrapped you in his arms, carefully lowering you onto your back and letting his lips brush across yours softly. "You're sure it doesn't hurt?" He asked as he pulled away, his gaze intense as he looked at your cheek again.

"I'm sure!" You said, fingers moving to run along his jaw softly.

"But, you could make it all up to me by giving me more of those kisses," you said, causing his eyes to meet yours. They lit up and his smile returned, causing your heart to skip a beat.

"Yeah? I think I can do that." He said then leaned down to kiss you again, making you both feel better with every soft brush of his lips on yours.

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