you need him after a bad day (requested)

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Your day had been terrible and all you've really been looking forward to is coming home to Calum.

You closed the door and called out for him, but there was no answer. You grabbed your phone and pressed it against your ear, listening to it ring until the voice you've been wanting to hear all day was heard.

"Y/n? Hey, baby. What's up?"

"Uh.. you're not home."

You wondered if the sadness you felt was evident in your voice, and Calum could definitely sense it. "Oh. Yeah, I'm still at the studio. Baby, is everything alright? You sound sad."

"Yeah, no, everything is fine." You said, biting down at your lip to keep your tears from falling. "I'll let you go. I'll see you when you get home." You quickly hung up and fell back on the couch.

You were so stressed out and maybe that, along with needing Calum and him not being there as you had hoped, was the reason why you couldn't keep your bottled up emotions at bay any longer.

You've never wanted to interrupt Calum when he's in the studio, but the longer you laid there the more you needed Cal. You needed his arms. You needed his reassurance. You needed him to hold you close and not let you go.

You gave in to the yearning for your boyfriend and grabbed your keys, rushing down to the studio where he and the boys were.

You arrived a few minutes later and rushed inside as quickly as you could. You were relieved when you reached the studio door. You pushed it open without a second thought. Eyes were on you right away. Eyes of the producers and the boys, but not your boyfriend.

Your eyes fell on him in the booth, and quickly the producer made a signal for him to stop. He point6ed over at you and Calum made his way out, his mind jumping to dreadful conclusions when he swung the door open to see the tear stains on your cheeks. "Y/n? Is everything alright? Are you crying?"

He was making his way to you but not fast enough. You met him the few feet and hugged him tightly. "Hey, hey." He whispered and instinctively wrapped his arms around you when he heard you sniffle. "Oh, you are crying. Tell me what's wrong, I'll make it better." He whispered in your hair as he leaned down to kiss the crown of your head.

"I had a bad day...."

"Oh, y/n, I'm so sorry." He said as he lifted your head from his chest. He wiped away your tears only for more to fall.

"And all I've been thinking about is you. I just wanted you and you weren't there when I got home and-"

"I'm here now." His thumbs brushed along your cheeks, his heart shattering to see you so upset. "I'm sorry, work is just so crazy these days. I'm sorry I wasn't there when you got home and I'm even sorrier that you had such a terrible day."

He moved his hands to your shoulders, frowning when he realized just how stressed you must've bee, judging by your tense muscles. "Tell me what about your day was so terrible." You leaned your head back on his chest, ready to let go of the stress that settled heavily on your shoulders until a voice came from behind him.

"Cal? Is everything okay?" Luke wondered. He was worried about you. He knew you never turn up unexpectedly like this and especially not so terribly upset.

Calum looked down at you and rubbed your back soothingly. "Yeah, she'll be okay. I think I'm gonna call it a day. My girl needs me right now so I'll finish everything up tomorrow." The boys just nodded, watching as Calum grabbed his things then slung his arm back around your shoulders.

"Feel better, y/n!" Ashton yelled and as you leaned your head on Calum's shoulder, you smiled for the first time all day. You got into the passenger seat of your car while Calum hopped into the driver's side. Before he drove away, he took your hand and moved his thumb in circles across it.

"I'm sorry you had a bad day, but it's over and we're gonna go home now and I'm gonna make tonight so much better. I'm gonna spoil you. You, me, and Duke cuddling in bed together while we eat takeout from your favorite restaurant and watch whatever movie you want. Sound good?"

You stared at him, loving the look of love in his eyes that he held for you.

"And a hot bath? The two of us?"

He smiled and nodded his head. You leaned in to kiss his lips and he was relieved when you let out a soft sigh into the kiss. "Okay. Love you."

"I love you so much more. Now, let's go home. Our amazing night together begins..." He paused and brought your hand to his lips, kissing it a few times. "Right now."

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