beside you (requested)

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"Thank you so much, everyone," Calum spoke into the mic. "Before we move on to the next song, there's something I'd like to say."

You were standing in the front row, your eyes locked with your boyfriend's.

The smile on your face just wouldn't fall.

You're so happy to finally be reunited with him again, it's been far too long.

Your relationship is a long-distance one as you live in the UK and, of course, your boyfriend lives in the states.

Though you live far away from each other, you see each other quite often as he either flies out to you a lot or you fly out to him.

However, work has been keeping you so busy and he's been on tour, and, unfortunately, you haven't been able to attend any of the shows until tonight as he and the boys are finally where you are again.

His smile is just as bright as yours and though there are thousands of fans in the crowd tonight, you've been keeping your eyes on each other a lot of the time and it almost feels like nobody else exists.

As he speaks, you stand there listening to every word he says as you continue to look into his soft brown eyes from just inches away from him.

"This next song is one that's very special to me. As you all know, my girlfriend is here tonight."

He paused as the fans loudly cheered over that.

"But I haven't seen her for a few months as she's been busy and we've been busy traveling across the world to perform for all of the amazing fans that came out to each show. It was very hard to be away from her."

You melted over his words as he spoke them.

"I missed her a lot. It's hard to feel at home on the road sometimes but now that I've got my girl back by my side, I do feel at home again."

His words brought a big smile to your face.

"I've been wishing for so long now that I could be beside her again. It pains me to think about her sleeping alone and being all by herself. But that's all changed tonight."

The fans cheered loudly while you just stared at him in awe, falling even more in love with him with every word that left his lips.

"It feels so surreal but I'm so happy to be here tonight with her and with all of you. I hope you're enjoying the show so far. We've still got a while to go, but I just had to say all of this as I had a lot on my mind." He explained.

Your eyes met once more as he looked back at you again.

"I love you, sweet girl." He smiled at you and you blew him a quick kiss before mouthing the words back to him.

"This song is one I sang over the phone to my girl since I've been away. I know it's one that a lot of you love, so I hope you enjoy it tonight. This is beside you and I'd like to dedicate it to my beautiful girlfriend, Y/N. Thank you."

The song started as the fans screamed at the top of their lungs in excitement and as Calum sang, his eyes stayed locked with yours.

"She sleeps alone, my heart wants to come home. I wish I was, I wish I was beside you." He sang as his eyes stayed locked with yours.

He had meant what he said.

He finally felt at home again.

It's been so long but, at last, you're there with him and that makes him feel like he's home, wherever that place may be.

And he swears that he hasn't been happier than he is now.

He just can't wait for the show to finish up so he can hold you in his arms again, just the way he's been dreaming of since the last time he saw you.

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