you're scared of storms

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You pulled the covers further up to your chest as another clap of thunder hit.

You're staying with Calum tonight and you're feeling grateful for that because a storm hit just about twenty minutes ago, one that clearly wasn't going anywhere anytime soon, and you can't imagine being alone right now.

You looked beside you over at Calum, watching his chest rise and fall as he was out cold. You gasped at the loud strike of lightning, instinctively slipping closer and closer to Calum. Your elbow hit his chest accidentally and he opened his eyes suddenly, just in time to hear the thunder and watch you throw the blanket over your head.

"Y/n?" He pulled the blanket from your head, holding back a giggle over how adorable you looked with your hair all a mess. "You alright?" You shook your head frantically and threw your arms around his shoulders, pulling him as close as he could get.

"Oh, baby. You're scared of the storm?" You nodded. "Why didn't you tell me? I would've been wide awake with you, my love." He brushed his thumb across your cheek. "I don't know." You mumbled, reaching back for the blanket when a loud crash of thunder shook the house.

"Okay, okay. It's okay. I'm here with you, I've got you." He rolled over and pulled you on top of him. His arms went right around you and he rubbed your back, trying to keep you calm but it just wasn't possible when you were scared out of your mind.

An idea came to his mind and he quickly reached for his remote. The tv turned on and the shaking of your shoulders stopped when you heard the office playing. You turned your head to look back at the show, a giggle falling from your lips at a funny scene playing.

Calum felt relieved when she saw the smile on your face. You climbed off of him and laid your head on his chest instead. You still wanted to be close with him and you still wanted him to hold you, but you wanted to watch this, too.

Calum looked back out the window. The rain poured, the storm was still going strong, but your mind was elsewhere. It was now on the man you loved the most as he held you close and kept you safe, and the tv shows that he turned on for you because he knows just how much you adore it.

He smiled at you laughing at the show. He still felt you jump occasionally, but he knew you were feeling better now. He let his head fall back against his pillow. You turned your head to him, suddenly leaning over to kiss his scruffy cheek.

"Thank you, Cal. You always know how to make me feel better."

He stroked your cheek, heart fluttering as you leaned against his hand. "That's what I'm here for, baby. I love you." He gave you a loving kiss then gently pushed your head back against his chest. "Now keep watching."

You just smiled and nodded.

You stayed awake for hours together watching tv, wrapped in each other's arms, feeling safer and more content than you've felt in a while. Even as the storm continued to rage, it didn't matter because Calum was there with you and he was all you ever really needed.

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