he gets jealous of your ex (requested)

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"So what do you feel like having?" Calum asked as he sat across from you in the opposite booth of the restaurant.

It's your first date night in a while. Due to his insane schedule with the boys at the moment, you found it hard to find time to spend together sometimes.

But it makes these moments you share with him even more perfect, even more romantic, and you know you'll be soaking in every single second with him tonight.

You're at a new restaurant in town and the pictures and descriptions of the food on the menu were already enough to make your mouth water.

"I don't know. It all looks so good." You said excitedly, causing your boyfriend to chuckle happily as he stared at you with stars in his beautiful brown eyes.

He was flipping through all the options but kept gazing up at you. Your hand was on the table, across from his own.

He slowly reached for it, ready to take it into his own, when there was a mention of one waiter calling out to another, and the voice and name made your head lift faster than Calum's ever seen before.

He watched you shift around almost nervously and right away, like the amazing boyfriend he is, he grew concerned.

He didn't even have the time to ask you what was wrong before someone the waiter was standing at your table. You were wide-eyed as you gazed at the man, who started to introduce himself only to take one look at you and grin.

"Y/N? Hey! What are you doing here?" He asked, looking quite enthused to see you face to face again for the first time in years.

Calum couldn't help but feel a little jealous when he watched the man look you up and down, gazing at you in a way that made his jaw clench.

"I'm on a date." You said and sorta smiled a little before nodding to Calum. "This is my boyfriend, Calum."

"Oh..." The man mumbled, looking sorta sad as he looked from you to Cal. "Your boyfriend." He said and reached out to shake his hand, but Calum just gazed down at his menu to ignore the man he already strongly disliked.

"Cal, this is my ex-boyfriend." You said and watched his head lift quickly. He simply nodded, sending your ex a fake smile.

"Well, can I get you something?"

You ordered what you wanted and Calum quickly did the same before grabbing your menu and passing both his and yours off to your ex.

He figured he'd just walk away afterward and you could just get on with your night, but your ex was lingering around and keeping his gaze on you.

"You look so beautiful tonight, y/n."

Calum just rolled his eyes and stared at you. Yeah, you looked beautiful. You always do. But your ex seemed a little... pathetic. Calum didn't like the way he was looking at you, the way his eyes stayed on you a little longer than he pleased. How he complimented you, as though you didn't get showered with them enough from Calum - your boyfriend.

"Hey, look, we're on a bit of a time crunch. Can you just do your job and stop staring at my girl?" Calum questioned, putting some emphasis that you're his girl, in case it wasn't already clear.

"Yeah." Your ex said and watched you as he walked away.

Sensing your boyfriend's discomfort, you reached for his hand across the table.

"You okay?"

"Fine." He answered and squeezed your hand, only for his jealousy to return a moment later when your ex returned with three glasses in hand instead of just two. Your boyfriend quirked his eyebrow, watching as he put two down beside you.

"I-I didn't order this-" you tried to say as a glass of alcohol was placed beside your glass of water.

"I know." Your ex smiled and laid his hand on your shoulder, which was exposed because of your dress. "It's on me."

That was it.

Calum had enough.

In a jealous fury, he took his glass of water and threw it on your ex, causing him to go wide-eyed.


"Don't," Calum said. "I'm tired of sitting back and watching you stare at my girl and like that! She's taken now! Your loss, get over it."

Your ex swallowed thickly and nodded, mumbling an apology as he walked away.

Calum felt a little relieved until he saw the look in your eyes, to which he coughed awkwardly and hung his head.

"What? He was flirting with you. He kept staring at you and touching you and I don't like that."

You sighed before getting up and sitting beside him in his booth.

"You don't have to be jealous."

"jealous?" He scoffed. "Jealous of that guy?"

You raised your eyebrows, to which he sighed.

"Cal, I love you. You're the only one I love and need. I don't have feelings for him anymore. You're mine and I'm all yours."

He nodded and pecked your lips.

"I love you. Sorry for misbehaving. I guess I let my jealousy get the best of me. I don't like when anyone stares at you like that, especially not an ex of yours." He said as he brushed his fingers along your thigh, smiling at you. "Guess I can't blame him though. You're one a million. Oh so beautiful. You've got it all, baby."

"Well, I'm all yours." You said as you laid your cheek on his shoulder. "Let's forget about him and have a good date night together."

"Okay." He said and kissed your head softly, looking forward to a better night ahead.

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