walks on the beach and fan encounters (requested)

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Calum swung your intertwined hands back and forth as you strolled down the beach. The sun was just starting to set and you wanted to soak the sight in with your boyfriend.

It feels like forever since you've gotten to spend moments like these with him. He's so busy with the boys, his schedule so hectic. Yours was the same, though. Your album was on the top of the charts, your new songs being some of the best you've released so far; and it wasn't hard to see why when you've put out a bunch of songs about your muse, the man you love more than anything in the world.

You were living for that smile on his face. He was as happy as you to be able to spend some time together. The beach was the perfect place to spend it. Duke was walking along,m his leash in your boyfriend's free hand that wasn't wrapped in yours. The salty air and the wind blowing lightly made the night even more perfect.

You suddenly started walking over to the shore, letting your hand slip from your boyfriend's so the water could hit your feet as the waves came in.

"I've been so busy lately that I haven't gotten the chance to see the sunset in so long. It's just so beautiful, isn't it?" You spoke to Calum, who came up behind you and wrapped one of his arms around you while leaning in to kiss your shoulder softly.

"It is. But I think the view I have of my girl right now is even more breathtaking. You're even more beautiful than the sunset, my baby"

You just craned your neck to gaze at him with a smile. The stars in his eyes made your heart melt and he started to lean in for a kiss. You anticipated the brush of his lips, but he didn't get the chance to fully kiss you, only give you a sweet little peck, before you boh heard the screams of fans in the distance.

You turned around and saw a group of girls making their way to the both of you.

"So sorry to bother you, but we're such huge fans of both of you! We wanted to say hello!"

They seemed sweet and so Calum let you go, so he could hug the fans as they leaned in to give him a squeeze. Your heart almost burst at the sight of him being so sweet to them, giving them big hugs and kind smiles, and a caring greeting as they spoke to him and looked at him like they almost couldn't believe he was real.

Honestly, you could understand why, to a point. He's that wonderful, that perfect in your eyes, that you once wondered if he was too good to be true.

You stood off to a distance, not wanting to interrupt since the attention was all on your boyfriend.

But it was bold of you to assume that he'd be the center of attention when the girls were even more starstruck by you, leaning in and grinning from ear to ear as you hugged them all.

You asked them how they were and took a genuine interest in their moods and their day. You love seeing people happy and you love when you get to be a major reason as to why some of your amazing fans are happier than they've ever been before.

"Could we have a photo with you?" One of the girls shyly asked Calum.

He didn't hesitate to flash them that sweet, heartwarming smile of his and nod his head. You offered to take the photo for them as they gathered around him, looking so happy and so smiley as he made their dreams come true.

Once it was over, the girls were asking Calum to take a photo of them with you, and he was happy to oblige. His chest was filled with butterflies, heart beating quickly and fluttering in his chest a little when you giggled and grinned as one of the fans dropped their head to your shoulder for the pose.

And then, the girls asked for a picture with both of you, and Duke. Once it was snapped and they were pulling away, Calum was bringing you back into his arms and hugging you from behind, staring at you adoringly which melted the fans' hearts as they stole a few photos.

"You're so cute together," one of them complimented. "I'm happy for you both. You both go through so much, it's nice to know you have each other to lean on always."

Calum just kissed your cheek, smiling so wide that his eyes crinkled and the girls cooed at the sight.

"Well, we don't wanna keep you since we know you probably don't get much time together. Thank you so much for the photos! We love you both."

You waved goodbye as they walked away, squealing excitedly and talking amongst each other as they talked about how amazing it was to meet you both.

"I love you." He whispered in your ear. "You're so sweet and kind. So beautiful. It's nice seeing all the love you get and witnessing the love you give to others. You're the brightest star in my eyes."

You pulled him in for a kiss, smiling against his lips when he cupped your cheek.

"I could say the same about you, my love. I love you so much."

"To the moon and back," he replied and pecked your lips before taking your hand back in his and you continued your walk as the sun set and the stars came out, making your walk with him and Duke even more perfect.

You laid your cheek on his shoulder, closing your eyes to make a wish that the universe would allow more moments like these with the man you love more than anything else in the world.

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