lazy days (requested)

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You woke up to the feeling of Calum's lips brushing against your cheek.

You opened your eyes and saw him staring at you with his soft brown ones.

"Good morning." He said as he took your hand into his.

"Morning." You said with a sigh as you stretched out your legs.

You closed your eyes as you did so and when you opened them again, you saw your boyfriend gazing at you with a smile on his face.


"Nothing. You just look so pretty." He said as he used his other hand to run his fingers through your hair.

You rolled your eyes at him and he chuckled before leaning in to kiss your cheek a few more times.

"What do you feel like doing today?" You asked him.

"Well, we both have today off so... absolutely nothing." He said as he put his head on your shoulder. "The only thing I want is to be with you. All day long, just you and me cuddling together in this bed."

"Okay." You happily agreed as he brought your hand to his lips for a kiss.

He lifted his head from your shoulder and put it back on the pillow as he looked at the time.

"It's a little after ten. Feel like getting some breakfast?"

"In a little bit." You said as you moved closer to him, gently laying your head on his chest. "It's a lazy day. All I want right now is for you to cuddle me."

He put his head on yours with a bright smile before tangling his legs with yours beneath the covers.

"We can do that, baby." He said as he brushed his fingers across your palm.

Your heart felt so full as he held you in his arms.

It's been so long since you've had a day to spend together.

Things have been pretty hectic as far as the group goes and work has been keeping you so busy that sometimes, you feel like you can barely catch your breath.

You've missed spending time with your boyfriend so very much.

So having these moments with him now meant everything to you.

As you got lost in your thoughts and your love for Calum, he noticed that you'd gone quiet.

As he let go of your hand so he could run his fingers across your back instead, he asked you,

"What's on your mind, darling?"

"Just thinking about you."

"Me?" He asked with a little smile on his face. "What about?"

"How much I've been missing you and how much moments like these mean to me."

He smiled at you and leaned in to kiss your cheek softly.

"I've been dying for a day off with you. Now that I have it, it almost feels too good to be true. I've just missed you a lot." You spoke as he put his forehead on yours.

"I've missed you too." He said before cupping your cheek and putting his lips on yours for a sweet kiss. "And now that I've got you in my arms, I don't think I'm ever going to let you go."

He suddenly pulled you even closer, now hugging you even tighter against him as he hummed while giggles left your lips.

"Calum," You giggled.

He squeezed you tightly and kissed your head softly before loosening his grip on you.

"I can't help it. I just love you so much." He said.

"I love you too." You smiled as you snuggled up to him.

Giving him another kiss, he smiled against your lips as he brushed his fingers across your cheek.

"We should go grab some food, right?"

You nodded and got out of bed with him, hugging him from behind with every step that he took.

You made your way into the bathroom, where you brushed your teeth together before you finished and went downstairs to grab a quick snack that would hold you both over until you decided to order some lunch in a little while.

You went back upstairs and climbed into bed.

He laid down next to you and chuckled as you moved into his warm embrace instantly.

You curled up to him and buried your face in his neck as you put your arms around him and held onto him tight.

"Don't let me go." You whispered as he wrapped his arms around you.

"Never, darling." He spoke as he rubbed his hand across your back and held you close, swearing that he was falling even more in love with you every minute of every day.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2023 ⏰

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