you fall asleep in the car

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The only sound in the car was the low volume of the music on the radio.

Calum was driving you both home from Luke's house. You spent most of the day over there to catch up with the boys for a while but it was starting to get late and he knew you were getting tired, and he couldn't deny that he was growing tired himself.

It was raining lightly, creating a soothing sound on the windshield as he drove. "Did you have fun today, baby?" He wondered, but when a few seconds of silence passed and you hadn't said a word he looked over at you.

His heart melted when he saw you sleeping. Your head was tilted back against the seat. He knew you were tired out so he wasn't surprised, but he still stole glances at the sweet sight when he knew it was safe enough to turn his head.

About twenty minutes later he pulled the car into the driveway. He quietly closed his door and went up the steps to unlock the front door before going back to you. He unbuckled your seatbelt and carefully put you over his shoulder.

He closed the door with his foot and turned the lock before he started to take the stairs one by one.


He turned his head when he heard you mumble his name. "Yeah, baby. It's alright. You fell asleep in the car so I'm just carrying you up to bed." You cracked a smile and buried your face in his neck. "You're so sweet."

A smile pulled at his lips. He reached the bedroom and carefully laid you onto the mattress. He tried to walk away but you grabbed his hand, intertwining your fingers together. "Where do you think you're going?"

"I'm just gonna go change and brush my teeth. I'm gonna be right back. I promise." He explained and kissed your forehead. He pulled his fingers out of yours, chuckling at the whine that left your lips. He went into the bathroom, quickly changing and brushing his teeth before he exited the bathroom, turning the light off behind him.

He bit his lip as a giant smile crossed his face. He saw you had changed out of your clothes while he was gone. You were now in one of his plain black shirts and it was driving him wild. "Well, don't you look adorable."

He got into bed behind you. He fluffed his pillows up a little and then pulled the covers over you both. He slung his arm around your stomach and buried his face in your neck. He kissed your neck a few times, hearing the soft sigh that fell from your lips. "I love you. I hope you had fun today."

"I did, Cal." You craned your neck so he could kiss your lips instead.

"I'm glad. But tomorrow you're all mine." He felt you smile into the kiss, so he did the same. "Sounds perfect, baby." He pulled away and put his head down on your back, kissing your shoulders a couple of times before he closed his eyes. "Goodnight, y/n. I love you."

"Love you too. Sweet dreams, Calum."

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