he comes home to find you asleep

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Calum was feeling as happy as can be as he strode inside.

He'd had the best afternoon with the boys and he was just as happy now that he was coming home to you.

He could hear the tv before he even entered the kitchen so he originally planned on running in and tackling you in the biggest yet warmest hug. But that all changed when he saw you on the couch.

You were sleeping. But when he stepped closer he realized that something was off. Your shoulders were shaking like you were cold. He put his hand on your forehead and noticed that you had a fever.

He let out a sad sigh. His bubbly mood that he felt he could hardly contain had fizzled just a little as the situation became a little more serious. He knelt on the floor and grabbed the remote to turn the tv off first. He debated on waking you up or just carrying you up to bed.

As he thought about it he absentmindedly brushed the hairs that clung to your sweaty forehead away and your eyes fluttered open. "Hey, baby. I'm sorry I woke you up. You can just go back to sleep."

You stretched your arms over your head but stopped when you realized how achy your muscles felt. "I don't feel good." You mumbled causing Calum to frown. "What's going on?" He asked as he put his chin down on your warm shoulder, staring at you worriedly.

"I feel sick. Everything hurts. I'm really sleepy." You closed your heavy eyes as you mumbled the last part and Cal couldn't help but be a little worried about you. "I'm gonna get you up to bed." He whispered and carefully took you into his arms.

You whimpered out before putting your legs around his waist. He carefully carried you up the stairs and then laid you down in bed. He watched as you shivered so he went to the closet and grabbed one of his hoodies. He pulled it over you and then laid you back down.

Duke was instantly curled up by your side and you lazily pet him. "What do you need? Need some soup? Or some water? Some medicine?" He whispered out as he ran his fingers through your hair.

"Need you," you mumbled and Calum was instantly taking his shoes off and climbing into bed beside you. "Do you feel like you might get sick?" You shrugged your shoulders weakly and curled up to him with your head on his chest.

He comfortingly rubbed your back and pulled the blanket up around you to make sure you were warm. "Let me know if you do so I can get you something. But if you need anything, anything whatsoever, you let me know and I'll get you whatever it is. I'll be taking care of you until you feel better."

You cracked a very weak and tired smile. "You're sweet." You murmured. "I just love and care about you and wanna see you feeling better." He kissed your head a few times and listened to your breathing slow as you quickly fell asleep.

"I love you. I hope you feel better soon, baby." He whispered softly and continued to keep you close as you slept.

He wished he could take everything you were feeling away from you. But since he couldn't, he was happy to do whatever it was that made you feel better and get you whatever you needed until you were feeling better, and he hoped that wouldn't be long.

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