Chapter 50 | comforted

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L learning this information about his past seems to have sparked kind of a domino effect. He remembers one thing which leads to another and then another. It made him gloomy, he didn't really do anything all day and just wallowed in his own self pity. You didn't blame him, recalling trauma would be tough.

You gust gotten off the phone, that call you've been waiting for finally came through. The boy K rescued from the village had managed to reach you. Setting everything up was a bit of a haste but at least it underway now. The boy needed to be quarantined and tested, which would take several weeks. Then he'd been sent to Japan where you'd meet with him and the blue ship case would get rolling. So you had some time to get L thorough this slump and into a decent workable headspace.

"Hey, I haven't seen L for a while"

Matt looked away from from video game, facing Mello who he'd forgotten was there.

"Yeah that's because mum told him about the trauma he forgot he had and now he's all depressed" Matt replied.


"Oh... yeah (y/n) said we could call her mum... because let's be honest she kind of is at this point"

"Really? So I guess that makes L dad huh?" Mello replied.

"Guess so, none of this is offical or anything. We're still orphans. But she did let us call her mum"

Mello was actually quite pleased with this. He'd always seen you as mum, but now he could actually acknowledge it. It felt nice knowing someone was willing to help take care of them.

"Well, maybe we should go talk to L? I know we can't really do much since we're like... 13 but we can at least give him a hug or something" Mello suggested.

"Yeah good idea. I hope he's ok" Matt replied, turning off his game to get up and go see L.

They decided to grab Near on the way. Even if they fought sometimes Near was still part of the gang and deserved to be involved in this.

"I don't blame him, we all have some kind of trauma" Near said.

"I know, seems like it's catching up to him though" Matt replied.

"Oh yeah, (y/n) said we can call her mum now" Mello added.

"She did?"

"Yeah, it's been long enough of her dealing with our bs that she said it's ok" Matt said.

Near cracked a slight smile, he'd secretly wished he could do that for the longest time. He was happy he finally could. The three of them made their way down the halls up to Ls room where Mello quietly opened the door to find L wrapped up in blankets lying awake in bed just staring aimlessly at the roof deep in thought.

"Hey, you ok?" Mello asked.

L jumped slightly at the sudden noise and turned to face the three.

"Huh? Oh... yeah" he replied.

"Bullshit" Matt said.


"Sorry, bull shark"

L sighed, he knew his successors were too smart to fool. He'd raised them well, taught them the ways of a detective and now they could spot a lie from a mile away. The boys all climbed onto the bed surrounding him and gave him worried looks. L knew that this state he was in must be worrying them, it was worrying you so who wouldn't it worry the boys?

"Look I know we're just kids-" Matt said.

"Technically were teenagers now. Except Near, twelvie" Mello sassed.

"Shut up Mello I'm not that far off being a teenager" Near jumped in.

Matt glared at them, shutting them up before continuing.

"-but... we're your successors. So we worry about you... you know?"

L sighed. He loved the boys he really did. And he felt kind of bad for not spending enough time with them recently because he'd been glooming. Even though he new they understood why, he still felt a bit bad.

"Don't worry about me ok? I'm sorry I've been distant, I guess I'm just... processing everything? I don't know. It'll pass, my memory is just filling in all these gaps of all these horrible things and I'm overwhelmed..." L said.

"No no, you don't have to be dealing with our nonsense when you're like this don't be sorry. We're just worried" Near replied.

It was silent for a moment, then L sat up. He opened his arms for the boys.

"Come here"

They all gladly wrapped their arms around him, glad to know he was somewhat ok.

"Listen, I love you guys ok? No matter how distant I get or how protective I am. I guess being tasked with looking after you all these years, and then the three of you willingly becoming successors made me soft. I know I'm not good at expressing things but I do care for all of you. You're such smart, talented kids and it's been amazing watching you grow and I know full well one day when I have to step down you'll all surpass me to your full potential and be much better than I ever was. Thank you for the concern, but I'll be ok. Remembering all these bad things and all those weird habits I've had that I now know the cause of has made me more... appreciative of the people around me. We all had bad lives before we came here, I really hope it doesn't affect you as bad as it had for me when you're older. But no matter what I'm there for you, and being able to give you guys a better childhood is more fulfilling than any case I've done" he explained.

Feeling the grip of the boys tighten on him, he managed to smile for the first time in a long while.

"You can tell us what happened if you want" Near said.

"Maybe when you're a bit older, I think it's a bit much for you guys now. Long story short my parents weren't exactly good people and left a lot of actual and mental scars" L replied.

"Ok, well whenever you think where old enough well listen" Matt said.

He flopped back down into the pillows, taking the boys with him resulting in a stack of successors next to him in each arm. They didn't mind, they'd gladly lie with him and hope he felt better because of it.

"You look tired. Well... more an usual. You should get some sleep" Near said.

"I know. I've been up all night having an existential crisis..."

"Well, we used to come crawl into bed you you and (y/n) when we felt sad so you can the the sad one this time. In (y/n)s words 'I'm not leaving until you fall alseep" Matt added.

"What are you? My dad. Fine... I should get sleep. And if you wanna stay by all means be my guest. When (y/n) gets back she'll have to find some where else to sleep though there won't be much room"

"Hey before we all fall asleep... (y/n) told us that we can call her mum... so does that make you dad?" Mello asked.

There was silence for a moment, L always knew you'd had that bond with the boys but was never sure if you'd act upon it. Even if he felt way too young and stupid to be a father, he'd already played a part in parenting them along with you and the wammys staff. And he did just go in about how he loved them...

"Yeah, that sounds nice..."

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