Chapter 15 | chat

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You needed to tell someone or you'd explode.

You needed to make sure you weren't going crazy.


You could talk to A.

You quietly undid the handcuff that connected you to L and got up, leaving L to sleep and rushing down the hall to find A. You had to be quiet as to not wake any of the other kids. You knocked on A's door and waited for a moment, buzzing with anxiety.

A opened the door, looking sleepy.

"(Y/n)?" He yawned.

"I know it's midnight but I really have to talk to you" you said frantically.

"Woah calm down, come in, just don't wake up B"

You walked in and saw B asleep at A's desk surrounded by school work. They just have been studying late.

"Ok what's wrong?" A asked, sitting on the bed.

You sat next to him.

"So you know how L and I have been handcuffed and our case and all that?"


"I just figured it out. This whole time, all these years, I've been IN LOVE with him and I seriously don't know what to do" you panicked.

"About time you figured it out"

"You knew?"

"It's so obvious to everyone but you and L. We've all been waiting for you two to kiss"

"Don't put that in my head I'm already freaking out! I've never had a crush and L not the type to be all lovey dovey so what if he doesn't like me and-"

"(Y/n), he likes you. He so does. He hasn't really figured it out yet but he so likes you. You should see they way he looks at you and the way he talks about you when you're not around. He's actually happy when he's with you, I'd even go as far as to say he's your soulmate" A said.

"Soulmate... A have you ever felt like this?" You asked.

A thought for a moment, smiling to himself.

"Yeah... kind of"

Just as those words left his mouth, B woke up and decided to join the conversation.

"Huh? What's (y/n) doing here at midnight?" He said, rubbing his eyes.

"She's finally figured out she's got a crush on L" A replied.

"About time"

"WHAT THE HECK, why does everyone but me and L know?" You said.

"Well... you and L have serious daddy and mummy issues, I mean, we all do since we're all orphans. But L's probably the worst out of all of us. I doubt he really knows how to cope with his emotions. But you, you know what emotion is but you like to brush it off and not think about it. I think that's why you were both so oblivious" B said.

"Yeah, you have very different head spaces than the rest of us, I mean, the two of you used to have to be seperated from the other kids because you'd fight them for the toys so..." A added.

"Yeah... we were a bit... possessive" you laughed.

"Both of you lock yourselves away and don't really see the world, all of us other kids go out in search of adventure. We got a better grip on the emotional side of life and got over all our childhood trauma a lot quicker than you two"

A was right. If you and L didn't always hide from the world you'd probably have realised this sooner.

"Well... what do I do? Do I tell him? What if he rejects me?"

"He won't, i'd say give it a week to get your head around it then tell him. Don't expect an immediate reaction from him, he'd have to let it sink in first" A said.

"Ok, I think that might work"

"So..." B began with a sly smirk on his face.

You gave him a suspicious glare.


"You wanna like... do it with him or-"


You laughed at A's reaction and B being immature.

"I've never thought about that, you perv" you laughed.

"Good, stay innocent for as long as you can don't get pregnant at 16" A said.

"Ew no!"

B laughed at your reaction and stood up.

"Right I'm tired as hell so I'm going to bed" he said.

"Yeah I should get back to sleep, you should too (y/n)" A added.

B said goodnight and left for his room. You got up and walked toward the door but before you left you turned back to A.

"Thanks, you're a lot of help A" You said.

"It's no problem, you're my friend right? Of course I'd help you"

"And A"


"You know I'm always here right? I know you're kinda stressed right now, but don't worry about the whole successor thing as much as you do. You're a smart kid, you don't have to stress over it" you said.

"...yeah, ok. Thanks"

He seemed gloomy. You constantly worried about him. A needed to seriously talk to someone, he just can't really get it out.



You went back to your room and sat on the bed next to L, put the handcuff back on your wrist making it like you'd never left. You felt a little more content now. But my god, did you want to just kiss L until the sun came up right now.

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