Chapter 7 | late nights

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You'd both just convinced the criminal you'd been after and the case was pretty much closed. Now to wait for the legal feedback and their sentence. But that could take days, so here you were, chained to L at midnight with nothing to do.

"Now what?" You asked.

"We wait" L replied.

"I'm not tired"

"Neither am I"

It was silent for a moment.

"Hey L"


"I get the feeling the other kids know something we don't" you said.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, we're chained together, trying to figure out why we're so interesting to each other. But it seems like the others have already figured it out, I keep seeing A and B smirk at us like they know"

"I've noticed that too... I think Watari might know too. He's always giving me this look that tells me I've done a good job, but I don't know what I did?" L explained.

"They may have come to different conclusions, so it's no use asking what they think because we could come up with something completely different. But if they have figured it out correctly, I want to know what the hell they think it is"

"I feel the same. God this is so annoying, we don't even know our own emotions. You literally called me your best fiend, which is a good thing, and it felt... weird? I don't get it"

"To be honest I get that same feeling, whenever you call me a fiends I always feel a little.. betrayed? But I don't understand, I like being your friend and I want to be your friend, so why do I feel so weird?"

"Well, let's discuss feelings, maybe that will help. What do you feel around me?" L said.

"Well, I feel happy. You're someone I like to be around and you're good company, I'm always happy when I'm with you" you replied.

"I feel the same, just the fact you care for me enough to put up with me means a lot to me, you're great to be around"

His worlds made you get another funny feeling inside.

"That was weird... I just got another feeling. Like a happy one? Ugh I don't understand emotions..." you said.

"Well, its expected you feel happy when someone praises you isn't it?"

"Well yeah, but it was different... I can't even explain it"

"Why are emotions so difficult to understand?" L sighed, flopping back onto the floor.

"Tell me about it" you said, flopping down next to him.

You both just stared up at the ceiling trying to think of a conclusion, neither of you were very good at conveying emotions.

"What other little experiments could we do to try and figure this all out?" You asked.

It was silent while you both thought.

"I know, from now on, let's surprise each other with contact, like hugs and stuff, see how it makes us feel" L suggested.

"That's a good idea"

You decided to make the first move and decided to grab his hand and just hold onto it.

"What are you-"

"Holding your hand, how does it make you feel?"

He was silent for a moment.

"That weird emotion we can't figure out..."

"Ok, well, do you like it?"

It was silent again.

"W-well, I guess..." he said.

"And why is that?"

"B-because I like this emotion, whatever it is..."

"You're stuttering"

"I am?"

"Yep, take not on that, I could be important"

You pulled on his hand and turned him to face you.

"Let's do this. Every time we surprise each other with contact, we take note of what it makes us feel and look for any patterns" you said.

"Sounds good"

He hadn't let go of your hand, actually, he tightened his grip on it.

That'll be something to put in the case file when this is all over.

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