Chapter 3 | succsessors

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A/n: (f/I) = first initial. If your initial is L... shit. Use your last name or second name. If your initial is B A N or M... fuck use your second or last name.

"Come on (y/n) you've known L for 10 years now! How can you be at a dead end already!" You said to yourself, leaning your head on the table.

You lifted your head up and looked at the page you made ten years ago when you opened your secret case on L.

Over those ten years, you'd added a lot to the file, but I wasn't revealing anything. As you suspected, L had gotten really tall, but as he grew up, he became more... professional? If that's the right way to describe it, he'd lost his playful side, which was kind of sad, but it was bound to happen.

You read your page of new information.

As L had grown he has become a lot less childlike and playful he started out very shy but soon became what I can only describe as emotionless, even if emotions are still there, they're pushed away. He still hates taking baths but always has to suck it up due to growing hatred toward germs. He began to pick things up by the corner when we began training as detectives at age 8.

Your file had gotten very big, and you'd made a new hiding spot for it under the floorboards.

Since you began to train as a detective when you were both 8, L had sped through it with ease while you took a little longer. L took his first case at age 10, while you did at 12. You were always one step behind L, but you could still tolerate each other, and had remained best friends.

You turned the page and scanned down the insane amount of cases L had already solved under many aliases. The world knew there was a genius out there saving the world, they'd become aware of L's presence, and surprisingly of yours too. While L had been gaining the title of the worlds greatest detective, you'd been making a name for yourself too. You had a knack for kidnapping cases, so L always handed them over to you since he knew you liked them so much.

"He's a mad genius... but I knew that from day one..."

You still couldn't figure out what it was about him that made you so curious, and it had been 10 years, you're both 15 now.

"(F/I), could you please come to my office" Watari said, outside your door.


You closed the file and slid under your bed, lifting the floorboards and hiding it. You got up and wandered down the office, when you entered you saw B and A standing there too.

"What's going on?"

"I don't know..." B said.

"I hope we're not in trouble..." A added.

"You're not in trouble" Watari said, waking in.

You sat down next to he other two and got a little anxious as to why you were suddenly called here.

"As you all know, L has made quite the name for himself, and every case he takes gets more and more dangerous. He has made a request concerning you three" Watari said.

"What is it?"

"He wants you three to be his successors. If anything were to happen to him during a case, he wants one of you to take his place as L"

It was silent. You knew L was getting serious and a crazy good reputation as a detective, but damn... he's already thinking about successors?

Case File: L Lawliet • L Lawliet x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now