Chapter 17 | finding the words

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How do you confess your love to your childhood friend who just happened to be the worlds greatest detective?

What do you say to a guy like that to make him know
It's serious?

You gazed out the window, trying to think of something, anything, that will get your feelings over to L. You were scared to tell him but you had to do it, to get it off your chest and to end your little case. But the thing with L is he doesn't really know how to process new feelings, it takes him a while. Either he'll think it's a lie or he'll be in shock for a few days.

So, you had to find the right words.

'The reason I feel all weird around you is because I love you? No... uh... I've loved you from the start? Ugh no...' your mind was trying to figure something out.

L sat on the end of the bed, on his laptop, closing a case he'd been working on as a side project. He was still very oblivious to your feelings, and his own feelings for that matter.

When it came to emotions, L didn't really know what was what sometimes. Although he had noticed you'd been quiet over the past few days, he knew you had something on your mind. Usually he could read your emotions pretty well, but he couldn't this time, he just had no idea why you were acting the way you were. He looked over at you, wondering if you were ok.

"(Y/n)" he said, making you jump at the sound of his voice.

You tuned to face him, snapping back into reality.

"What's wrong? I can tell something's wrong"

"It's nothing" you replied.

"If it was nothing, you wouldn't be looking out the window all dramatically, you'd be talking to me. The chances of you not being ok are about... 85... no... 87%"

Damn him and his smartness.

"It's nothing serious"


You glared at him, getting annoyed that he knew everything. Why did he have to know you so well?

"What's it to you?" You asked.

"Well, you're not sick, or experiencing any hormonal mood swings, or having a depressive episode, so something is happing in your head and it could be something important" he replied.

You fell silent, sometimes you really wanted to kick him... but then you'd probably feel bad instantly afterwards and profusely apologise.

"We're frie- no. That word feels gross... we're... close? Usually you tell me everything, so somethings definitely off" he said.

He was really starting to crack down on you, he knows when you lie, he knows when somethings wrong. You just had to tell him, but you still didn't know how.

"Look, I want to tell you, I just don't know how yet. Give me a while to figure it out. THEN I'll tell you" you said.

He gave you a confused look.

"Can't find the words? That's new. Try and explain it"

"That's the thing. I don't know how, I've been trying to find the words for days now"

Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

"Yes?" L said.

Watari opened the door.

"(Y/n), I have to talk to you" he said.

L tossed you the keys to the handcuffs and you uncuffed your hand, getting up and following Watari to his office. You say opposite him at the desk, wondering what was up.

"I need you to fill these out. They cover everything for when you and L start to travel for cases, they're all untraceable files that if found won't lead back to the orphanage" he explained, giving you some papers and a pen.

"Oh, ok sure"

You grabbed the pen and started to fill out all the papers, making sure to use your fake names and signatures so you couldn't be traced. You knew you'd have to do something like this sooner or later, the deeper you get into these cases, the more hands on they'll get, you'll definitely end up traveling soon. You actually quite liked the idea of traveling the world with L solving cases. You get to be with him all the time and do what you love while seeing the worlds and helping keep it safe.

"Ok, done" you said, handing everything back.

"Great. Now take these" Watari relied, handing you some small books.

They were all fake passports, each with a a different one of your aliases. These would definitely be useful.

"If you're going to be working with L, we must take all precautions, so keep these somewhere safe and don't lose them"

"Got it"

You got up to leave but Wataris voice stopped you.

"A told me about you and L"

You stopped in your tracks. Damnit A... actually, it was probably B that persuaded him to spill. You might have to have a little chat with him later.

"Oh... you do?" You replied.

"You may not see it but L really does care a lot about you. Just give him some time"

"What, like another 16 years?" You joked.

"He'll figure it out. You know him, he's not the best at emotions. But have really bought them out in him"

"Well... all I can do is wait"

Case File: L Lawliet • L Lawliet x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now