Chapter 20 | coming to his senses

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L looked down at the handcluffs on the bedside table, you had taken them off while he was asleep and were now roaming the orphanage.

It was pretty late, but both of your sleep schedules were fucked beyond repair, so to L, this was early. After he burned out and re-gained some of his energy he had a much clearer mind, he could process your confession properly now.

Everything made sense.


You were right... he never could read his own emotions, that's one of the reasons why he kept you so close. You could tell what he was feeling, and as soon as you mention it, he realises.

There have been times where he'd been having a rather depressive episode and not even realised it until you asked if he was ok.

Now everything made sense.

Why he didn't like the word 'friend'? He wanted to be more than friends.

Why he kept you so close? He cared about you.

Why it made him all shy when you touched him? Because you were what he wanted in life.

Why he felt the way he did? Because he loved you.

He wondered how long you had known about your feelings, were you just waiting for him to realise? Or did you go through a period of not knowing? He was so stressed lately that he hadn't even thought about the possibility of love. Training A and B was difficult, A being all gloomy was worrying, you being handcuffed to him was a haste, all the cases he had to solve was stressful. But now everything was so clear.

He returned your feelings alright, he had since you were kids, he just didn't know it yet. But he had zero idea how to be a boyfriend. He'd never dated, neither had you, but you had a much better grip on emotions than he did, and you just generally knew more about romance.

All he knew was couples kiss, cuddle, hold hands, get married and sometimes have kids. Of course marriage and children is out of the picture at this age, but apart from that he knew nothing.

And of course there was sexual stuff. He never attended the sex ED classes as a pre-teen because he was doing cases, but that didn't mean he didn't know what it was. By the time your his age you generally should know how it works, but he didn't know any of the gritty details. There was a rumour that all the couples at Wammy's sneak out the back door and jump the fence to go hide away so they don't get caught, apparently B covers for them. He denies it but if it's true it isn't surprising, B knows everything about everyone at the orphanage, that's why his hair's so poofy, it's full of secrets.

But back to you.

He had zero idea how to be a boyfriend, but he was willing to learn for you.

Just the thought was making him all shy.

He looked down at the handcuffs, holding onto the end that you'd worn, it still had the lingering smell of your perfume. Now that you finally confessed, he felt butterflies just thinking about you.

He wanted to sit by the fire and cuddle with you like they did in the movies, and kiss your cheek every night before you went to bed. It made him a love struck mess.

He'd finally realised his own emotions, and if he didn't can't upon them, he'd get nowhere.

He also felt bad for yelling at you, he was being a little pushy after all.

He put the handcuffs down and got up, opening the door and finding the halls of the orphanage empty as the kids slept. As he walked down the dark hall, he could hear some of the kids giggling and whispering as they stayed up past their bedtime, he remembered doing that with you all the time when you were younger.

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