Chapter 52 | japan

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A/n: blue ship events are slightly altered for this book. If you've seen the movie you know the boy is alt universe Near. But since normal near exists in this book they're two different people. And Watari isn't around in the original timeline, but he's here for the fic. Both L change the world movie and novel events are mixed together for this book.

This is it, the blue ship case.

L seemed more motivated now, finally having climbed out of that depressive episode. Not fully healed but at least enough to work. You hades having to say goodbye to the boys, but you'd be back. You always came back. So it was waving them off and headed to the airport, jumping on a plane and now finally landing in Japan.

It was already late in the Japanese Timezone. About 11pm. Tomorrow it was right into the case though. A week or so ago, you'd sent for the boy that was told by K to contact you and L. Some of Ls agents picked him up from Thailand and had him flown to Japan in quarantine to make sure he didn't carry the virus from the village he was in that got bombed.

So far it seemed like he didn't have it, but tomorrow was when you'd pick him up and question him on what he knows. There was a bit of a language barrier to work with, neither you or L spoke Thai, but the boy did know some English so maybe you could work with that. You and L we're headed for one of the many wammys safe houses across the world. On the outskirts of Tokyo is where you'd be staying for the time being.

Upon arrival, you just wanted to sleep. Jet lagged and tired, but it seems the case had other plans.

"God I wanna take a nap..." you complained.

"Not yet" L replied, turning on his laptop.

In the back seat of the car to the safe house, you watched L sift through the files you'd organised.

"So... blue ship... bio terrorists looking to 'change the world' whatever that means. Testing a new strain of deadly disease in Thailand... bombed the evidence. There's an unrelated lab here in Japan that's investigations the virus and working on an antidote..." L mumbled to himself.

"The people in direct contact with the virus at the testing lab working on the antidote is Dr. Kujo and Dr. Nikaido. I put their files on the next page" you replied.

Opening it, L looked it over. He was set on brushing up on the case in its current state, after that depressive episode he'd gotten a little out of the loop.

"Nikaido? I feel like I've heard that name before..." L mumbled.

"Probably from me" Watari spoke up from the drivers seat.

"You know him?"

"You two never met him, but I did know him at one point yes. You must have heard me mention the name when you were kids or something"

L kept scrolling through the files, finding everyone you'd found connected to the case in some way.

"So the director of blue ship is Daisuke Matoba... what does he want with this virus? 'Change the world' is a pretty broad answer. It would be hard to contain it if it did break out since it's so infectious so using it would be a wide scale wipeout... who exactly is he targeting?" L pondered.

"I don't know yet. All I know is there's two people working on the antidote, there's blue ship out on some mission, they used that Thai village as a test and bombed it. K managed to get one kid out who is somehow healthy, and he's sent the kid to us" you replied.

"And Hideaki Suruga is who?"

"An FBI agent tasked on the case. They would have sent Naomi, but as you know after LABB she plans on retiring to go get married. So they're finding people to somewhat replace her on all the major cases. This guy is apparently it"

L looked over his file, having worked with Naomi he knew what the bar was set to. And it was high. They didn't call her Misora Massacre for nothing, her kick was strong and L knew it... quite literally. He'd have to see if this Suruga guy is cut out to take over for Naomi.

Finally, you pulled up to the safe house. Tiredly you grabbed your bags from the boot of the car, and dragged them inside. L still having his nose stuck in the laptop reading everything over as Watari grabbed the rest of the stuff. You'd never actually been to a wammys safe house before. So when you went inside and found it was like a mini taskforce HQ with plenty of room and tools to work, you were rather impressed. Then again, this was wammys, the wammys organisation has a lot of connections and never goes halfway.

You could thank L's existence for that detail.

L put down his laptop at the nearest desk, continuing to look into everything you'd complied and didn't even bother to unpack anything yet.

"You can go to sleep if you want, you complied all this. I'll do the investigating for the night" L offered.

"You should sleep too L" you replied.

"In a bit, I don't want to miss anything" 

You yawned, desperately wanting to take a shower and sleep. You'd take the offer, he can do all the work tonight.

"Ok, but I expect you in bed at some point" you said.

"I know, I know"

You grabbed his chin and turned him to face you so you could place a good night kiss on his lips. He smiled when you did so.

"I'm taking a shower first, then going to bed" you said.

"Oh in that case-"

Oh now he wanted to come with you?

"-I feel gross I'm taking a shower too. Then work" he said.

"Then bed?"

"Yes then bed"

You gave him a playful glare, driving your point home that he needed to sleep.

"I promise!" He added.

"Fine. Just don't take all the hot water from me"

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