Chapter 26 | odd behaviour

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You'd been waiting at the door for ages now. What the hell was B doing? He'd asked you to go with him to the shops to get some snacks and then the guy doesn't even get off his ass and come? Maybe he just forgot? You wandered back down the halls to Bs room and knocked.

"B! Are you coming?" You called.

The door opened after s fee seconds and B answered.

"Sorry, I couldn't find my shoes..."

"Whatever, lets just go before the shop closes"

"Is... is L coming?" B asked.

"He's on call with the French police for some kidnapping case" you replied, walking out the front door with him.

"Kidnapping? Isn't that your thing?"

"Yeah, but I want him to get more experience with those cases so I made him do it"

It was silent for a moment, B seemed to be spacing out a lot recently.

"You ok?" You asked.

She shook his head back into reality.

"Yeah... just tired"

You didn't blame him, after all that's happened recently it's been hectic. It's been a month since A... and the funeral was about 3 weeks ago now. B had an excuse to be extra torn up about it, they were best friends after all.

"Ok, you know you can tell me anything right?" You said.

"I know... I know..."

He was silent for a moment as you turned the corner.

"I heard there's three new kids coming soon" B said.

"Oh yeah, that's in a few weeks. I guess the next generation of kids has officially started to arrive at the orphanage. As much as I hate these kids to lose their parents I do hope we get more, at least that way they're safe and off the streets"

"Know anything about them?"

"All three are boys. One was neglected, one ran away and one was picked up by CPS because of substance abusing parents" you explained.

"Ouch... hope they're all ok"

"From what I heard two of them are pretty playful and already best friends, the youngest is a lot shyer"

"Well I'm sure you'll help him out, you managed to get L to break out of his shell and we all know how stubborn that man is"

You laughed at his comment. L was pretty stubborn, he would never admit it but he knows he is too. You entered the shopping centre and walked into the grocery store to grab snacks. You split up momentarily to grab your preferred snacks and paid together like you always did. You decided to grab some ice cream while you were at it from the ice cream shop nearby and went back to the park to eat it. You sat on the swings, quietly eating your ice cream. There was an awkward silence, B was usually so talkative... you knew why he was silent but it was still odd to see him like this.

"(Y/n)..." he spoke up.


"I love you, you know. Not romantically, that's for you and L... but... like a big sister I guess"

"Aw, I love you too. You've always been my little bro. Even if we aren't actually related, I guess it comes from when we were little and us playing together at lunch time and on the weekends" you smiled.

Recent events seem to have made B more emotional. Not that it's a bad thing, just unusual for him.

"Thanks for taking care of me all these years... I appreciate it"

"It's the least I could do, you were such a troublemaker when you first came to the orphanage and I guess I just took it upon myself to fix that"


"You thought kicking the soccer balls into the roof was a fun game B"

He laughed a little, remembering his 5 year old selves favourite past time.

"Ok yeah, maybe I was a troublemaker..." he giggled.

"I mean I guess I was too a bit, those toys with the wires and beads were mine and no one else's as a 5 year old"

You both laughed at the memories and finished up your ice creams. You got up and went back to the orphanage, kicking your shoes off in the hall and walking back down to the main rooms.

"I've gotta get back to studying, I'll... see you later" B began.

"Ok, don't overwork yourself" you replied.

"I won't, and (y/n)"


"Keep an eye on L for me"

You were kind of confused but chalked it up to something they had planned or a past conversation they had.

"Ok? Sure" you said.

"I'm not coming to dinner today I have a paper to finish, so... I'll see you later"

"Ok, get some sleep though, bye demon eyes!"

With that you smiled and turned on your heels to go throw the packet of marshmallows you bought at L and toast them over a candle. B watched you happily walk back down the hall and his smile faded.

"Bye... (y/n)..."

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