Chapter 13 | A-ok?

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"B! Get your ass down here!"

No response, you were getting annoyed.


He jumped at the sound of your voice and walked over to you in confusion.

"Yeah?" He questioned.

"What's up with A? Did you talk to him?" You asked.

"Oh yeah. He said he was stressed. I think he's hiding something but he won't tell me anything. I sat down with him and told him that he could always talk to me and that it's ok to feel a little shitty but he said he needed time alone, so I left him for the night to get some sleep. He was pretty quiet on class today, he looks really tired" B explained.

B sounded worried, A was always a ball of anxiety but he's been very quiet lately.

"Just keep an eye on him ok? I'm a little worried"

"Don't worry, I am. By the way, what's up with L over there?"

You turned around to see you'd dragged him with you by the handcuffs you'd forgotten were in, and now he's all tangled.

"Oh... ha, sorry L" you said.

"Gee thanks, I really like having my blood circulation cut off" he sassed.

"Well sorry! I forgot the handcuffs were on"

"How can you forget the handcuffs?" B asked.

"Exactly" L added.

"Shut up, both of you" you laughed, watching L try to untangle himself.

"I've got an assignment to do, I'll see you guys later" B said, waving as he walked off.

"Bye!" You replied.

You turned to L, pulling him out of the tangled handcuff mess and letting the chain drop loose the the ground.

"Actually, can we take the cuffs off for a bit? I want to take a shower" you said.

"Yeah, I probably should too" L replied, dragging you to his room were he grabbed the key and unlocked you.

"Thanks, I'll see you in a bit"

You left, grabbing your clothes and towel, going into the bathroom to take a shower. Showers were nice, you just sort of have the time to think, and that's what you did. As you washed your hair, you couldn't help but think about everything that was going on.

Was A ok?

What's that weird thing that happens with you and L sometimes?

How long will you be cuffed together?

What's up with B and his new obsession with hair dye?

Everyone at wammys is a bit weird, everyone has had their issues and it can really take a toll on you. It's not often new kids come in, most kids actually have a family unlike all of you here. Not many kids get adopted either, most people want babies or toddlers.

Actually, you and L were taken off the adoption list a very long time ago, no one can adopt you two. And when A and B were chosen as successors, they were taken off the list to so they didn't risk spreading info about L, although they didn't seem to mind.

Everyone here knows that when you turn five, your chances of being adopted go down the drain. Some kids take it pretty hard, but others take it as the sign that thy have to choose what they'll do, some kids go for the arts, some for sports, some for literature or like you and L, detective work and law studies.

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