Chapter 42 | unpacked

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A/n: with the end of the LABB arc, comes a new arc, the blue ship case (L change the world). In order to fit the story, the timeline has been changed a bit but most details are staying the same :).

"So... that's what he said huh?"

"Yep, that's everything..."

You'd just explained everything B said to L over some cake and tea at a cafe. This day truly was one of conflicting emotions.

"Lifespans... I don't understand the lifespans part..." L sighed.

"Neither do I. It can't be a delusion because when he was arrested he went though a mental health check and showed no signs of psychosis" you replied.

"Maybe he's lying?"

"Can't be. He's been looking above his heads for lifespans since we were kids. Why would a kid start a joke like that and keep it up until they're an adult? What's the point?"

"What does he mean by seeing lifespans though?"

"I don't know, I'll look into it... maybe it's some other rare condition we don't know about. Or maybe it's real... who knows" you said.

Placing down his now empty mug, L starred into the void for a moment. Just processing everything, this case, B seeing lifespans, B's love for A, the whole thing was just a mess. The trail was in a few days, there's no doubt he'll get a heavy prison sentence maybe life, maybe a large number of years jail time, it'll also be interesting to see if he ends up eligible for parole later on in life.

Once the trail was over you and L would head back to England to continue teaching the boys. Between now and the trail you had a few days to get them the gifts you promised, sightsee a little bit and tie up any loose ends on the case.

L was about to speak when his phone went off, he picked it up, answering and having a brief conversation. You wondered what it was about, as the responses seemed quick and to the point. The call was over rather fast and L stuffed his phone back in his pocket, looking up at you.

"That was K. He just arrived in Thailand, he'll be in case location tomorrow and able to report back to us in a few days. He's digging up as much about the terrorists as he can" L explained.

"That's good, this is bio terrorism isn't it? Hopefully he doesn't step wrong and catch anything" you replied.

"I made arrangements for hazmat gear, he'll be ok"

"Do we know what the terrorists are doing yet?"

"Not much, all we know is they're testing a virus, and the antidote is being worked on by a separate company in Japan"

This case would be an interesting one, but it'd take a while for the investigation to fully start up. For now you had to focus on LABB.

"Well we should probably get back to the hotel before traffic gets ridiculous, I need to sleep" you sighed.

"Yeah I'm pretty tired. I'm going to talk to some FBI agents about the case first, just to get some total information and stuff. You go ahead I'll be back by 4" L replied.

"Alright, don't get lost"

With a kiss on the cheek, you parted ways to your respective locations. It was probably good L have some time alone to think about the whole situation. So you weren't too fussed having to leave him for a bit. You needed time to think too, and the lifespan thing was killing you. When you got back to your hotel, you went straight for the computer. Loading up a browser and typing in 'seeing lifespans'.

The internet isn't always the most reliable source, but it was a start. You scrolled through many pages of bullshit, fake spells that claimed to tell you how you'd die, urban legends and fiction stories. That was until you stumbled upon a Japanese website.

Shinigami no densetsu.

Hitting the translate add on, you watched the katakana turn to English, and everything was much clearer.

The legend of the Shinigami.

Shinigami, or gods of death are beings who decide who will live or die. They can kill at will, without having to be on scene. How they kill, no one knows. But people have claimed to see Shinigami, and be offered deals. The deal known as Me no torihiki. The eye deal. It's said when a Shinigami offers you their eyes, you can see the names and lifespans of a human floating above their head. Humans who have taken the eye deal have died young, leading people to believe the Shinigami take half your lifespan away as payment.

That sounded exactly like what B described about seeing lifespans and names. But something didn't add up, he'd always been able to see them. He never made a deal, he said that he's seen them since he was born. He never said anything about Shinigami, he didn't even know what his eyes meant. So there's no way he could have come into contact with a Shinigami. If they were real that is.

Is it possible for a parent to make the deal for their kid? That could explain why he never knew. He was taken out of his home young enough to not know his parents. Or was he born with them like he said he was? If that was the case, did that make him half Shinigami? Or was it a genetic thing?

This was all every confusing. It didn't help that even B had no idea why he saw lifespans, he just... did. Him having no idea told you that whatever Shinigami related thing happened, it happened before he was born.

That if they're even real, this is just a legend anyway. Gods of death don't exist... right?

Before you knew it, you were down an Internet rabbit hole about Shinigami. Learning of the legend, reading accounts from people who claim to have seen them, trying to figure out the eye deal. You couldn't get that far, all you saw was 'gods of death kill with magic, they live in another realm, no one knows how they kill and they offer you deals'.

It was confusing, you got the general premise. But there was lots of loose ends and information left out. Lots of how's and whys. But... that was all if this was even real.

Hearing the door open, you snapped out of your daze. Looking around to see it had gotten dark you'd been online so long.

"You like working in the same don't you?" L's voice rang in the darkness.

He turned on the lights and blinded you for a moment. When your eyes adjusted to the light, you noticed a bruise on his cheek, very noticeable because of his pale skin.

"What happened?!" You asked, getting up and rushing over to him to check out the bruise.

"You know the FBI agent that encountered B?" L began.


"...she kicked me down the stairs..."

You laughed at his words, earning a playful whack from him.

"It's not funny, it hurt..." he laughed.

"How did you manage-"

"I startled her, I didn't mean too and she kicked me on reflex. We're fine, I'm fine, don't stress. I just wanted to see what the FBI agent that closed this case was like that's all"

Your laughter died down to giggles, you kissed his bruised cheek and wrapped your arms around him.

"Oh you poor child, so bad at social interaction when it's not with your loving girlfriend..."

Case File: L Lawliet • L Lawliet x ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ