Chapter 5 | chains

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A/n: since we have no canon reasons as to why L was abandoned I made one up lol soz.

Today was the day, you'd moved your computer into L's room, and set up sleeping arrangements for the both of you. And it was time for the handcuffs.

You'd modified them to have longer chins so you could at least sleep in different beds and close the door when you got changed.

"Remember, this is for investigative purposes" L said.

"It will benefit both of us" you replied.

You hand out your hand, feeling the cold metal of the handcuff around your wrist as it clicked into place. L put the other end on his wrist and put the key on the highest shelf.

And so it began. The investigation on each other. You wouldn't be able to write in your file for some time, but you would be taking notes on your laptop.

You were determined to figure L out. He was so blank on the surface but you knew there was so so much more to him.

That's when you got an idea.



"I have two options that could help us on this investigation" you said.

"What are they?"

"Well, for one, I think we should work on a case together, that way we can really put ourselves into an investigative mindset, we'll be forced to open up new ideas to each other and work together to catch a criminal" you explained.

"That sounds good. I could do that, what kind of case?"

"Lets combine our strengths in cases and solve a murder-kidnapping one"

"Good idea, this will force us to get closer. What's the second option?" He asked.

"I know this is touchy and I totally get if you don't want to but... we could talk about our memories of our families and why they left us?"

It was silent, you instantly felt like you'd overstepped a boundary.

"I-I mean- uh, wait no that's not what I mea-"

"I get it"

It was silent again.

"That sounds like a good idea" he said.

Wow, you weren't expecting that. You always thought that was something orphans didn't talk about, you don't even know why you suggested it. Maybe it was the part of you want wanted information for you file.

He turned and walked over to the sofa, the handcuffs making you be dragged along with him.

"Well, it's a long story so sit down" he said, flopping onto the sofa.

You sat beside him.

"I'm surprised you trust me enough to even tell me..." you said.

"Not only is this for our case, I feel like you're one of the only people I could ever trust" he replied.

You felt your cheeks heat up a little, those words made you feel honoured in a way.

"My earliest memory of my family was from when I was around 3 or 4... I remember hearing lots of yelling from downstairs as I was building a tower out of something, some toys of some description, I can't even remember what my mum and dad looked like, but I remember their voices" he began.

You had already connected the dots that it was a dis-functional home.

"I heard a door slam, but me being me, I didn't think much of it, everything after that is fuzzy. I do remember another time where I was told to go to my room for some reason, so I just calmly went upstairs and read a book, so that's not very interesting.

Case File: L Lawliet • L Lawliet x ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ