Chapter 64 | picnic

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While Dr Matsudo, suruga and Watari were rummaging through the case files looking for something they could use to start making up an antidote, Maki and boy insisted that you and L have a picnic with them. Saying that you've been stressed and needed a break on the case. You accepted, because they were right. You were stressed, plus going along with something fun for them will hopefully take some stress off them too.

So you spread out a blanket on the rooftop of the lab and placed out lots of sweet foods and drinks for lunch. You'd slept rather well last night despite the circumstances, so you felt rather up to a little outing today.

"See this won't be so bad! It's sunny it's warm and there's lots of sweets!" Maki said.

"Yeah ok, this isn't that bad" L admitted.

Sitting down at the edges of the blanket, you all crowded around the food ready to dig in. Boy and L already reaching to grab cakes.

"Hey-" Maki said, stopping them.

They froze, looking at the stern gaze of the young girl. Suddenly remembering they were in Japan and there's something you gave to before you eat.

"L you're literally part Japanese" you snickered.

"And I was raised in England, shush you" he replied.

"Ok now-" Maki began.

I'm unison, you all said "Itadakimasu" and Maki let the boys jump onto those cakes again.

"Boys..." you sighed.

"So messy" Maki laughed.

You took one of the cakes, taking a bite and finding it rather sickly sweet. No wonder L was all over it. But it was good nonetheless.

"L you know if you keep sitting like that your back will end up looking like a banana" Maki said.

You snickered, maki seemed to have a fun time roasting L.

"Bit late for that..." L replied.

"Maybe if you stood up straight too you'd look taller and have less pain when you're older"

"You Osakans sure are blunt"

Well, he wasn't wrong. Osaka was knows for being rather casual and straight forward with their speech, and considering Maki grew up there it'd make sense she'd have their dialect and attitude.

"(Y/n) make your boyfriend stand up straight" Maki said.

"I've tried, believe me" you replied.

"Ok why are the girls ganging up on me here? I get it my back is... not that great" L replied, admittedly finding it a bit amusing.

Throughout the conversation boy had been quiet, partly due to the language barrier, partly because he was just a rather quiet kid. He was probably still thinking about that equation he'd been doing recently. You and L have been talking to him in English in hopes he'd at least understand a bit if that, and if he was going to wammys in Winchester he'd need to know it. Maki did some English in school so you were sure she'd be able to communicate in a basic level and learn quickly when she got to wammys.

And it seems boy had been picking up on words and their meaning recently.

"(Y/n)" he said.

"Yes?" You replied, adding another cake to your plate.

He pointed at L, then back at you.

"Married?" He asked.

L almost choked on his cake hearing that.

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