Chapter 41 | motive

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You paced around the police station, you knew there were cameras in the interrogation room but you were still worried for L. The fact that B made you worry like that was kind of frightening, this wasn't the B you remember.

You hadn't seen him yet, you were kind of nervous too. L went in first to try and get him to talk. But according to the other officers, he was stubborn and wouldn't say anything. That was true, he was a stubborn man. You remember that well about him. It'd been how many years now? 4? 5? You wondered how he'd changed aside form all the case stuff.

L walked in, looking defeated and frustrated.

"He won't talk. At least not to me" he said.

"Did he say anything?" You asked.

"Cryptic stuff about our childhoods mainly, nothing case relevant that I could decode. Maybe he'll talk to you"

"It's worth a shot... how bad are his injuries?"

"Very bad. The whole left side of his face and arm is burnt, he's got an eyepatch, some of his hair had to be shaved off, it's not a nice sight since it's all still in the healing process"

You sighed, many mixed feelings swarming around inside you.

"I think he'll be more inclined to talk to you, just be careful ok?" L said, placing a kiss on your cheek and letting you walk into the in the interrogation room.

When you entered you found two chairs and a table, under a single light. Sitting at the table was B, handcuffed, Orange prison jumpsuit, bandages over some of his burns. L was right, it was a horrible sight. Not so much because he was burnt, but because it was self inflicted. A bandage ran up his arm, an eyepatch over his left eye. A burn dressing on his cheek and burns in his hair where it had to he shaved off. And his hair was showing signs of regrowth under the black dye he'd used to intimidate L. The poor man.

"Hey, Beyond" you said, sitting at the table opposite him.

"Hello, (y/n)" he replied, deadpan, depressed.

You thought for a moment, wondering what to say.

"Normally I'd say how are you, but clearly not good..."

"Good is far from it"

It was silent again for a moment as you searched your head for a way to get him to spill something.

"Your letter when you ran away... you said I'd helped you?" You asked.

"You did, all the late night study, the pep talks, the support. You're clearly the mum friend" he replied.

"I am? I always thought I was more of the disaster friend"

"Well, yes. But also the mum friend. You were always there for me and A. That's why I thanked you"

Well, at least he still had some kind of positive perception of you. That made you feel a lot safer.

"I hope those burns won't affect you too much down there line..." you said.

"I'll be fine once they heal completely... they're just sore at the moment"

"I assume you chose fire to try and conceal your identity from the police? But we'd still know it was you?"


"I must say. Even though I don't approve of what you did at all... you're codes were very clever"

"If course they were. You were the one that taught me about a similar case when we were 15. I always remembered the trick you told to remember them. Random with pattern, you said" He rambled.

Case File: L Lawliet • L Lawliet x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now