Chapter 65 | a solouiton

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Packing up the picnic, it was time to go back inside and back to work. You carried the basket with all the empty containers that once held food and L carried the blanket and glasses. Entering the doors to the stairwell, not happily skipped down the stairs satisfied with the meal.

"I'll be back I'm going to the bathroom" Maki said.

"Ok" you replied, letting her go down another hall as you and L followed boy downstairs.

It was well pat lunch now, and you'd only have a few hours of daylight left. Of course you could work into the night, but in a case like this time is everything. L went to check the time by putting his free hand into his pockets for his burner phone but found it was empty.

"Do you have my phone?" He asked.

"Nope. You probably left it downstairs somewhere" you replied.

L didn't think much of it, you were probably right. Walking back into the lab you put everything down on one of the benches and went to go join the others in going through files for a solution. Boy ran over to the chalkboard and grabbed some chalk to start drawing his equation again. You wondered when he'd crack it, he's been working on it for ages.

"Got anything?" L asked.

"Not yet. There's still an ingredient missing, as long as we can find it we should be able to make an antidote and vaccine but all these files have no hints" Dr Matsudo replied.

"Maybe they hadn't actually found it yet" Suruga inquired.

"They did though, that's why Makis dad burnt the syringes when they were attacked so blue ship couldn't get it" you added.

It was confusing, they definitely did have an antidote made and being tested, but when blue ship attacked it was burnt. They must have deliberately not written the last ingredient just in case they were hacked or something. Makis dad sadly wouldn't have survived even if he didn't invent himself with the strongest sample of the virus. Blue ship would have gotten the answer from him and then killed him anyway. So even though his death was horrible and unfortunate, at least he was able to protect the antidote and sent Maki to run to safety.

Poor maki... lost her mother only a few years before and then watched her father die. You'd have to ask the staff about trauma therapy for when when you got back to wammys.

"Whatever the missing ingredient is it can't be something that clashes or cancels out the others, so at least that rules out some options" Watari said.

"Exactly, although it still leaves a lot of option to test" L replied.

As everyone talked, you saw boy climb onto a chair from the corner of your eye. Slightly worried he'd fall you turned to watch him just in case. He'd again drawn out that equation of his, the exact same one as all the other times but this time he seemed to be further into it. It looked bigger.

It was some kind of graph next to a bunch of numbers you didn't understand the meaning of. Like a code almost. He drew limes into the graph of what we already knew the answer to, he seemed stuck on the last part. Turning back to the numbers at the side, he lined them up and began to count. You couldn't really tell what he was doing. Complex math wasn't your thing, solving crimes was.

Once he'd counted them all up, he drew in the answer and turned back to the graph. He pondered for a second, trying to figure out what to do. And then you could practically see the lightbulb go off over his head as he draw the last line onto it. He circled the numbers connected by the lines and put them together.

"20!" He said proudly.

Everyone turned to look at him, wondering what he was talking out. Even though you had no idea how that math worked, he did just figure it out so you wanted to encourage the young child.

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