Chapter 25 | closure

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Today, A's room was officially closed. Locked. It wouldn't be given to any new orphans, it was off limits with everything left inside. No one wanted the place A took his life to end up another child's room, it didn't feel right to do. Classes weren't on for the week as well, the orphanage is small, only about 17 kids, so everyone was upset about A. Because of this, the adults had also made sure to do some mental health check ups on the kids too.

The only problem with communication to the orphans is that they're all a bit disconnected from their emotions, or have had a trauma that's left them a little messed up. But the orphanage was not going to let something like this happen again. L had also changed the entire approach to the successor program, less work and more one on one preparations. But he added another rule.

You had to be over 12 to enter the program.

It'd be much better that way, kids who aren't fully maturing yet definitely wont handle it well.

That being said, the program was on hold for a while, until this whole 'A situation' simmered down. L informed you of the changes, and you agreed they'd help.

But now you had a new problem... B.

Case file L had turned into a freaking biography at this point. You added the A incident to the file, noting about the successor program and how L handled the situation. So that page you wrote up when you were first made a successor had changed.

(Y/n) (l/n) [(f/i)]

'Beyond Birthday' [B]

'Name unknown' [A] deceased.

It made you think... A didn't even know his own name... he came to the orphanage so young he didn't even know his own name... at least you HAD a name. A was just... A.

But, that's all he needed to be known at wammys. He was so kind to everyone, he was always there to help and he loved to play games with the little kids and help them with their work, he would have been a wonderful father.

But now B was starting to act strange. Of course, this could just be him mourning, he's definitely the one that's mourn the most. But... it'd probably be best to keep an eye on him.

He seemed upset, of course. But he also seemed to be angry, like... very salty. Maybe he was just tired, or trying to get through the five stages of grief, but it was definitely out of character for him.

He'd distanced himself from you and L, but you understood, he needed space and time to mourn. He'd come around eventually.

Apart from the gloominess at the orphanage and classes being off for the week, something new did happen. You were called up to the front office and sat down in front of Watari and Roger.

"(Y/n), both you and L are the oldest here. But we all know about L and his... social awkwardness... so we thought we'd come to you" Roger explained.

"Ok, what is it?" You asked.

"We've gotten word from the police that some children have been found and they're planning to be sent here. They have to stay with CPS for a few months, to do background checks and all, but when they arrive, we'd like you to try and help them settle in as they've not had a very good past" Watari explained.

"Ok, sure. How old are they?"

"One is two of them are 6 and one is 5. They're all boys and from what we've heard, the youngest was neglected and abandoned, the police picked him up recently. One ran away from an abusing family a few months ago and has been living in the streets, he was picked up a few days ago. And the third was taken by CPS as neighbours reported abuse substance from the parents, and he was being neglected"

Case File: L Lawliet • L Lawliet x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now