Chapter 24 | a snap

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It was late, everything was still sinking in. You'd fallen asleep, since you were so emotionally exhausted. But L was still wide awake.

He couldn't stop thinking about it.

A was his successor, he picked A for the program. Even though in the note, A said it had nothing to do with it... L felt otherwise. He was also particularly worried about B, B didn't have the best home life before he came to the orphanage and something like this could be triggering.

It's no secret that most kids as the orphanage have some kind of emotional disconnection or mental illness, being so young and given up by your parents, abused, abandoned, it takes a toll on you in the long run.

He looked over at your sleeping state, glad that you were still there.

That's the thing though.

You're one of his successors too. It's just you finished your schooling earlier and already became pretty known in the world of detective work. If for some reason, something happened to him, you were first in line to take his spot. You didn't feel like a successor, maybe it was because of the history you had with L, or the fact you're dating him, but you just felt like his girlfriend, not a successor. But that didn't mean you weren't one.

L was seriously considering making the successor program have less of a work load, and more of a friendly tone, but how could he do that.

He looked up at the roof thinking for a moment.

Then it hit him.

He got up, making sure not to wake you and crept down the halls to B's room. He knocked on the door, knowing B was still awake since there was a light coming from under his door. B answered with red eyes and tear stained cheeks.

"I gotta talk to you" L said, awkwardly.

He didn't really know how to handle people when they were emotional.

"Ok, come in" B replied, closing the door behind L.

B sat on his bed and L took the chair at his desk.

"I know this may not be the best time but, it has to be said. I've decided to make the successor program optional... that way, kids can join if they feel up to it and they aren't forced into anything. So... you can leave if you want..." L said.

B was silent for a moment.

"No... I have to keep going. A would have told me that. But, I have to ask... why wasn't it optional from the beginning?" B replied.

"To be honest... I'm not sure. When Watari and Roger talked to be about the program I guess they just wanted me to pick so it could... I dunno, get started up? I picked you, (y/n), and A because you're all so intellectually capable. If I had known about A... I wouldn't have picked him"

"That's the thing that keeps bothering me... he could have done it. If he wasn't already so far gone... he could have made it"

"You... didn't know about any of this did you?"

"No... I was suspicious something was wrong... then again we all were. And... I guess... I don't know. I guess I knew something bad would happen but I didn't know when"

"How did you know?"

B sighed and looked over at his reflection in the mirror.

"I just... had that feeling"

It was almost for a second... but his eyes... seemed to glisten? Not in a tears way, it was like they turned... red? B's eyes are already a little red looking. They're a brownish colour that looks a little red in the light. But this was different. L had to do a double take to make sure he wasn't going crazy. But when he looked again, B's eyes were back to normal.

He shook himself back into reality.

"You know, L" B began.


"A was the only person that I could ever talk to about anything and everything. We were just that close. Kind of like you and (y/n). Growing up together and having that inseparable bond... but I feel like somethings wrong now"

"Somethings wrong?"

"Like... not in a grief way... of course I'm upset about everything but. Something isn't sitting right with me..."

L was a little confused. B wasn't making much sense, but then again, B was a lot more in touch with his emotions than L was, maybe he was feeling something L didn't understand yet.

"Maybe everything will simmer down when everything... blows over I guess. I'm sure the orphanage is going to a be a bit gloomy for the next few months. And I'm pretty sure classes aren't even going to run tomorrow" L said.


L understood that B was grieving the loss of his friend and all... but something seemed a little off. Maybe it was just because L didn't understand emotions that well, but just something about B's tone of voice, and something in his eyes was wrong.

It was like something inside him just...


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