Chapter 19 | scared

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L hadn't said anything since you yelled at him. There was an awkward silence that hung in the room ever since that fight. You both just went back to what you were doing. You knew that he was still processing it, but the whole thing was still very awkward.

He looked like he was about to burn out. He'd been up for days in end again and you could tell he was going to fall asleep at any moment. You were just waiting for him to pass out so you could take off the handcuffs and go talk to A and B. It didn't take long for L to fall asleep at his computer.

You felt bad for yelling at him, and you didn't want him to hurt his back by sleeping the way he was, so you moved him to the bed and took off the handcuffs. You set them on the bedside table.

After all, the case was closed. You'd figured out why you found each other so interesting, so no more need for handcuffs. Your wrist was red form the handcuffs, all the pulling and getting them caught made your wrist bruise. You quietly left the room and walked down the halls to find A and B.

You found B waiting by the front door for someone, so you ran up to him to talk.

"B!" You called out, getting his attention.

He was eating jam again. With his hands, does this man not know what spoons are?

"(Y/n), hey" he replied, licking off his fingers.

"Do you not know what a spoon is?"

"I do, but this way there's less dishes"

You sighed at his logic and shook your head.

"God you're just as bad as L when it comes to food addictions"

"More like you're missing out for not having a food addiction. You're not part of the secret food addict club" he joked.

This man... was an idiot?? You seriously questioned how he was L's successor sometimes.

"Anyway, I gotta talk to you and A, where is he?" You asked.

"A? He's coming, he's just looking for his shoes, we were gonna go to the park. And hey, no handcuffs"

"Well... the case is kind of closed now. That and L's asleep for once in his life"

"Oh ok- wait hold on, does that mean you finally confessed?" He said, proceeding to lick the inside of the almost empty jam jar.

"It's a long story, I'll explain when A gets here"

As if on cue, you heard A's voice down the hall.

"Im here!" He said as he ran up to you.

B turned to face him.

"Took you long eno-"

B's smile turned to a look of terror, he just stared at A, or more like... just above his head. Was there like... a spider or something?

"Uh, B?" You questioned.

"His lifespan..." he mumbled.


"Hey, you ok B?" A said, finally making it over to you.

B shook his head back into reality.

"Y-Yeah... I thought I saw something that's all. It's nothing" he said.

Ok? That was weird.

"(Y/n), I thought you were doing case stuff?" A said.

"I have to talk to you guys..."

You walked down to the park, A and B sat on the swings as you explained the whole fight with L and how you accidentally confessed your feelings as you paced around the sandpit.

"Wow, you really just snapped didn't you?" A said.

"Yeah... god I feel so bad for yelling at him! And now he's just ghosting me... I know he needs the time to let it process but it's hella awkward..." you said.

"Well he's asleep now isn't he? That's good, he probably needs time to sleep on it and connect all the dots. You know how L is, we all do. Especially B the raging L fanboy"

B suddenly snapped back into reality as A said that.

"I'm not a raging L fanboy! I just admire his work and want to succeed him one day" B said.

"Suuurreee..." A laughed.

"You better not be coming for my man B" you teased.

"Psh- no. I have my sights set on someone else entirely"

"Ooo B's got a crush" you teased.

"Shut up, so do you" he replied.

A shook his head at your childish behaviour.

"Ok, Ok, we all have crushes I get it. Can we get back to the topic at hand" A said.

"Right, back to L" B said.

"You'd love that" A teased.

"SHUT UP MAN, I'M NOT A RAGING L FANBOY... I do have my ships though" B replied, looking over at you as he said the last part.

You gave him a playful glare and shook your head.

"Anyway, should I be worried about this? Like, what if I scared him or something. I did just scream my feelings to him" you said.

"(Y/n), you're fine, just give him a while" A said.

"Then again this is L, he's unpredictable. He may get back to it in a month or maybe tonight, who knows" B added.

"True, so basically I should just be prepared or a very L-style confession?" You said.

The boys nodded.

Suddenly a clap of thunder ring throughout the sky.

"Damnit why does it always rain here?" B said.

"We should probably go back, it'll start raining soon" A said.

You all began to make your way back. You trailed behind the boys as you thought about what L might say to you when he finally processes it.

"Hey demon eyes"

You looked up at the sound of A's voice addressing B. Demon eyes, that was A's nickname for B, it came about when you'd all realised B's eyes were slightly red looking. It sparked the running joke he was secretly a demon.

"Yeah?" B replied.

"You ok?"

B glanced above A's head. Why does he keep doing that.

"Yeah... I'm fine"

You knew A and B were the best of friends, they'd been closer than anybody else at the orphanage for years, almost as close and you and L. You'd even go as far as to say they were as close AS you and L or even more. They were each others ride or die.

"Hey... A"


B wrapped an arm around A, gently rubbing his arm.

"You know you're the best person ever right? I'm always here..." B said.

You smiled. Just like B to be looking out for A, especially since A's been very gloomy lately.

"Yeah... I know" A replied.

You reached the orphanage and said goodbye to the boys as they went back to their rooms to study.

Now, you just had to face L.

Case File: L Lawliet • L Lawliet x ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora