Chapter 43 | home again

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A/n: nsfw warning lol. Actual lemon is next chapter but this is the set up for it. Gotta build that RELATIONSHIP. And provide for the fans that read L x readers by innocent authors who cut it off right before the good shit.

And so you sat back on the swings next to the orphanage. LABB wrapped up, back in England and awaiting details from the bio-terrorist investigation currently happening. It felt good to be back in England. You were only gone for a week but the boys were exited to see you and L again. And of course, they got the presents from LA you promised them.

Matt got a new game, Near got some collectable toys and you got Mello a leather jacket that practically screamed his name when you saw it. He wouldn't take it off now.

That was it. LABB marked the first case you and L had to travel to. You knew there'd be many more to come, you hoped the boys wouldn't get lonely and as they got older could fend for themselves. You kind of had a mother instinct for those three.


Turning, you saw L behind you, reaching out to push you on the swing.

"That's it? No more LABB emails?" You said.

"Yep, case officially closed. I still have many questions but I'm afraid I can't find answers" he replied.

"Yeah, I want answers too but I know it won't happen that easily. Maybe in like 30 years we'll be working on a case and something will add up"

He went from pushing you on the swings to stopping you, feeling his arms wrap around you from behind and his head rest in your shoulder with a sigh.

"What's wrong?" You asked.

"I just don't know what to feel anymore..."

You broke from his grip to face him, then let him embrace you again.

"I know sweetheart, I know. This case was... close to home"

"It won't leave me alone the questions and the guilt keep... haunting me" he mumbled.

You put both your hands on his cheeks, making him face you. You looked up at him with a warm smile.

"Sweetheart, none of this is your fault" you said.

"I can't help but feel like it is though"

"Should I do something to keep your mind off it?"

"Like what?"

You thought for a moment. When he was all gloomy like this it wasn't just because of the guilt, it was a driving factor but with L when one negative thought comes into play, all the others follow. He's never had good self esteem, never really watched out for himself and his own well-being. He was probably just thinking a million negative things right now. He needed praise, and lots of it.


"Why don't... why don't I give you a dopamine kick?" You suggested.

"How exactly do you plan to do that?" He questioned.

"Lawliet, darling. You need to listen to some praise for once in your life. Feel it, believe it. And I mean... there's always one way to achieve that, intimate time together" you suggested.

Praise? Intimate time?

His cheeks flushed red upon the realisation of what you were suggesting. Partly because you'd only ever done it once so far and it was more of an experiment to get the feel of it, see what each other likes and such. But this time you have the goal of making him feel praised, good about himself, loved.

Case File: L Lawliet • L Lawliet x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now