40- Patch Adam's

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It was the next day and Barry and Katrina grab Cisco, and the breach finding device, and they head out, where Barry finds a closed up hospital, and heads inside. The device in Barry's hand starts to go off, "This are has the highest levels or residual trans-dimensional energy. You should be able to open the breach that used to be here" Barry says to Cisco as they walk toward the middle of the room, and he stops. "It's right here, this is it" Barry says looking at Cisco.

"For real? In this Patch Adams nightmare, right here?" Cisco says to him.
"Yeah" Barry says looking around the room.
"Love it" Cisco says.

"All right" Barry says as he puts the tablet down, "Look, dude, if this doesn't work, I'll stop asking you to do this, all right?" Barry says as he puts his hands on Cisco's shoulders.

"He means it Cisco, I already told him he needs to stop asking, or I will kick his ass" Katrina says smiling at the two boys.
"Okay" Cisco says as Barry walks away from him, and stands beside Katrina. They stand there watching as Cisco tries to open the breach with his powers. He stands there for a moment, as they wait, but again nothing happens.

"What?" Barry asks as Cisco puts his hand back downs and sighs.
"I can't do it" Cisco says to him.
"That's right" they then hear Harry say. "You can't" he adds as they look at him.

"What are you doing here?" Barry asks, "You said-"
"I know what I said. But you're not gonna stop, are you?" Harry asks.
"No" Barry says.

"Okay Barry Allen, then I'm gonna do what I can to make sure you, and her don't get killed. I recalibrated these to the electromagnetic frequency of this Earth" he says showing them Reverbs goggles, "It should help you access enough of the trans-dimensional energy to manipulate it." He says to Cisco.

"Just like Reverb, all I'm missing is the guyliner and the transformation's complete" Cisco says as Harry tosses him the goggles.

"Take 'em out for a spin" Harry says as he goes and stands with Barry and Katrina. They watch as Cisco puts the goggles on and then he starts to focus on creating a breach. They watch as something starts to happen with Cisco's hand.
"It's working" Barry says as a small form of a breach is being created, "It's working" he says again looking at Katrina then back at Cisco.

The breach keeps forming, when suddenly Cisco stops and takes the goggles off, "Hey, what happened? You were doin' it?" Barry asks him.
"No, no, no, no. I can't do this" Cisco says to him.

"What?" Barry asks confused.
"I can't do this, Don't. Please, don't ask me to do this" Cisco says as he sounds scared, "Please" he says as he then leaves.

"Hey, what do we got?" Barry asks Harry as they were back at STAR Labs, and Harry was fiddling with something.

"It's your tachyon absorption enhancer upgrade. Retrofitted for when it was used to steal your speeds, to now give you two more of it." Harry says looking up at Barry then back at the device, "Almost done"
"That's amazing, thank you" Barry tells him.
"You're welcome" Harry says as he continues to work.

"Hey has Cisco come back yet? Have you guys seen him?" Katrina then asks a little worry in her voice.
"I haven't seen him" Caitlin tells her.
"Check his workshop" Harry suggest.

"Yeah, all right" Barry then says and the three of them walk away to look for Cisco. "Hey" Barry then says as they see Iris and Joe walk into the cortex.
"Hey" Iris says smiling. "We just came by to see if you guys needed some help" Iris says to them.
"Uh, sure" Caitlin says to her.

"Yeah" Barry says.
"We can always use an extra set of hands" Caitlin says, "Do you want to help me in the med bay?" Caitlin asks her.
"Yeah" Iris says smiling at Barry and Katrina as she heads off with Caitlin.

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