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(Season 2 x 9)

Katrina was leaning into Barry as they were watching a movie, when her phone starts to go off. Moving away from Barry she goes to answer it, "That's weird, Thea's calling me" she tells Barry as she goes to answer it.
"Hey, Thea what's up?" she asks her.

"Uhh, Kat, Felicity...Felicity got hurt. She's okay she's stable, but they are going to be doing surgery on her again to try and fix some nerve damage. We didn't want to tell you at first because we didn't want to worry you" Thea tells her.
"What happened?" she asks her.
"Damian Darhk had his lackeys attacked a limo her and Ollie were in" Thea says.
"I can be there right away" Katrina says.

"No, no Felicity would want you to stay where you are. I will let you know what happens" Thea tells her.
"Okay, thanks Thea, and tell Donna I will be thinking of her and Felicity" Katrina says.
"I will" Thea says as she hangs up the phone.
"Kat, what happened?" Barry asks her.
"Felicity got hurt badly" she says as she starts crying, Barry speeds over to her and holds her close, as she cries.

It had been a few weeks since Katrina had heard from Thea, and she was informed that Felicity was now paralyzed and wheelchair bound. Katrina worried about the toll the attack had taken on Felicity, and she knew it had put a strain on Felicity and Oliver's relationship. She tried not to worry about them, and focused more on her and Barry, and their problems in Central City. Barry and Katrina stand in their lab, looking at one another, a smile on their faces, as Katrina leans into Barry, kissing him, and he starts to kiss her back. They then pull apart, as she leans her head against his, "What was that for?" Barry asks her.

"Just because, I like kissing you" she says as she kisses him again, and after a few moments they pull apart once more. "You realize that was the first time we've made out like this where our bodies didn't do the weird vibing thing" Katrina says to him.

"Yeah, it was, but now that you say it out loud it just sounds really weird" Barry says to her.
"Yeah we should probably not do that anymore in case that happens. I mean we should probably act a little more professional" she then says smiling at him.
"Professional?" he asks her.
"Well yeah, we really don't want to be kissing and have like the Captain or Joe walk in" Katrina says to him.
"How about a best friend walking in?" they then hear Iris saying and see her walking into their lab.

"Hey" Katrina says smiling at Iris, who looks at them both trying to put on a brave face.
"Hey" she says back as she tries to hold her tears in.
"Iris, what's wrong?" Katrina then asks her.
"I'm so sorry. I can't keep this in anymore, Barry, Kat." She says crying.

"What?" Barry asks a look of concern on his and Katrina's face.
"I know I was so mad at you two and Dad for not telling me that you were the Flash and Bolt, but when I found out about this, I didn't know what to do" she says to them.
"What? What's going on? Whats.." Barry says.

"When Francine came back, my dad told me not to trust her, and he was right. I didn't know how much." Iris says as she walks around, and turns to face the two of them. "When my mother left us, she was pregnant. She had a son. Joe's son. My brother." She cries.

They are both taken aback by what she is telling them, "What's his name?" Barry then asks her.
"Wally" she says crying, "Wally West. When I found out, I told her to leave and then never come back and to never tell my dad. But Barry, Kat, I feel.... I feel like this is hollowing me out. Every time I look at Dad, I feel like I'm hurting him. I don't.... I don't know what to do" she tells them.

"Iris, I think, I think you do know what you have to do" Katrina says stepping toward her friend.
"I can't, it's gonna kill him" she cries.
"No, it won't" Barry says to her, "You don't have to do this alone. We can tell him together" Barry says to her.

Lightning Strikes Again (2) The FlashWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu