16- That's New

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Barry and Katrina walk over to Oliver, "Hey, Ollie, Look, I'm sorry that we laid all of this on you. We know that it wasn't fair" Barry says to him.
Oliver sighs, "That's okay. I'm sorry if earlier I was a little-" he says.
"Snippy?" Katrina says to him.

"I have been called worse" Oliver says as they laugh at this. "No, but I'm glad that you're both here. I'm glad you both reached out. It shows a real maturity, and I would know that because I've never been that mature" Oliver says getting them both to lightly laugh. "I'm always here for you, the two of you" he says to them.

"Thank You Ollie" Katrina says to him, "I gotta say though, this is a much different team Arrow then we've been used to seeing. Or even the same Oliver Queen. You seem actually...." Katrina says.
"Happy" he answers.
"Happy? Yeah?" Barry says to him.

"I am happy I finally have everything that I've ever wanted. Being with Felicity has given me a real sense of peace. It's something that I haven't had in a long time" Oliver says to them.
"Didn't you tell me that guys like us don't get the girl?" Barry then asks.
"Yep, but I was wrong obviously looking at the two of you" Oliver says.

"Whoa, Oliver Queen admitting he is wrong" Katrina smiles at him, as they lightly laugh, and Oliver steps away.
"I would like to propose a toast" Oliver then says, "I wish it wasn't just the dark times bringing us together" he starts to say as Barry speeds over taking Oliver's glass from him.

"But it is friends like you that make those dark times worth having" Barry says and Katrina smiles at him

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"But it is friends like you that make those dark times worth having" Barry says and Katrina smiles at him.
Oliver lightly laughs, "What a guy! Steals my drink, steals my words" Oliver says as he takes his drink back, "As I was saying, it's good to see everyone" Oliver says.
"Yes" Barry comments.
"Cheers" Oliver then says to all of them, and they all repeat the word cheers.

Barry and Katrina walk over to Cisco, who still has a concerned look on his face, "Hey you know we are going to keep her safe, Cisco. You don't need to worry, we promise" Katrina says to him.
" Yeah, I know. Look there's something I never told you two" Cisco says as he looks at them, "The first time I kissed Kendra, I got a vibe." He says and they both give him a quizzical look, "No not that kind of vibe. Like I vibed-vibed" he explains to them.

"Oh!" Barry quickly says to him.
"Remember the man with the wings? It wasn't a man. It was Kendra. And she was, like, a bird" he tells them and both Barry and Katrina look over at her then back at Cisco.
"You think that she's a meta-human?" Barry asks him, and he just shrugs his shoulders indicating he doesn't know. "Wait, why didn't you say anything about this sooner?" Barry asks.

"Well, I didn't think it was related, but I guess, now, it has to be" he says to them, "Look, I don't, I don't want her to know about my powers" he says as he looks at Kendra, "I've got this great thing going with her. She laughs at my jokes, and she loves movies, and...I just, I never felt like this before and I don't want to sabotage it." He says to them.

Barry looks at Katrina then at Cisco patting his shoulder, " I get the feeling" he tells him.
"Look!" Kendra then shouts standing up, and they see the man from before crashing through the window.
"I will always find you, Chay-Ara" he says to Kendra. Katrina then speeds off for a moment, getting Oliver's bow and arrows, and bringing them to him.

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