13-Why Breakfast?

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(Season 2x7)

Katrina and Joe walk along side Barry, as he takes some steps with the help of the cane, "All right, we got you" Joe says to Barry.

"Okay" Barry says as Katrina takes the cane from Barry, and he goes to try and take steps without it. Barry starts to step forward on his own, and after only a few, he bends over in pain, "I can't do it right now, okay" Barry says as Joe helps him over to the wheelchair.
"Oh, yes you can, Barry" Joe says to him.

"No, no, no" Barry says as he sits in the chair.
"We were making so much progress" Joe says to Barry.
"Yep, six whole steps" Barry remarks. "Someone get me a Bozo button" he says to them.

Cisco chuckles, "Hey, give yourself some credit, you just broke your back" Cisco says to him, as he steps away, Katrina then stands beside Barry and she places a hand on his shoulder, giving it a light squeeze.
"Yeah, a normal person would've been paralyzed the rest of his life" Iris says to Barry.

"How long until I'm fully healed?" Barry then asks Caitlin.
"The initial MRI I took a week ago showed a complete dislocation at the T-twelve to L-one interspace of the thoracolumbar junction." Caitlin says as Barry turns the chair around to look at the MRI's Caitlin was displaying. "But this is the MRI I took this morning" she says brining up the new MRI. "It's remarkable, but you're almost completely healed" she tells Barry, "As is Katrina" Caitlin smiles at Katrina.

"I'm still having trouble breathing" Barry says to her.
"That's totally normal with a spinal injury. It should clear up soon" Caitlin tells him.

Barry then wheels himself closer to their suits, "We're gonna get you both back in those suits, Barr" Joe tells him. "Real quick, trust me" he adds.
"What are we gonna do about Zoom?" Barry then asks.
"There's been no sign of him since Cisco was able to nail him with that dart" Katrina tells him.

"And I haven't vibed since then" Cisco then says.
"Maybe Zoom's not coming back" Iris says to them.
"I highly doubt that" they then hear Harry say as he comes into the cortex. "Which is why I'm gonna go do something about it" he says as he puts his bag on his shoulder.

"What do you mean go do something about it?" Caitlin asks him.
"I need access to your breach room and your speed cannon" Harry says to them.
"Why is that?" Barry asks him.
"Because, Barry, it's time to go home" Harry says to him.

"So, you show up on our Earth, you screw everything up, and now you want to go home. Sounds very familiar" Joe says to him.
"Again, that wasn't me" Harry says to Joe. "I need to go take care of Zoom once and for all, before anyone else gets killed." He adds.

"How are you planning on doing just that?" Katrina asks him.
"I'll think of something" Harry says to her. "Ramon, if you'll escort me to the speed cannon" Harry says as he starts to walk away.

"No, no, you can't go through the breach" Caitlin says to him.
"Yeah, he can. Jay taught us how to send people" Cisco says to her.
"That's not what I mean" Caitlin says walking over to Harry. "Look if you can figure out how to stop Zoom on your Earth, you can figure out how to do it here. We need you to stay here until we defeat Zoom, Dr. Wells" Caitlin says to him.

"What I need, Dr. Snow, is to return home. I'm gonna do that with or without your assistance" Harry says to her as he then walks away.
"What are you doing?" Cisco asks Caitlin, "If Harry wants to go, bye" he adds.

"Look, like it or not, Cisco, we need his help" Caitlin says to Cisco.
"I'm not sure another plan from Wells is what we need" Joe then comments.
"Yeah, I mean the last bright idea he had got Katrina seriously injured, and nearly got Barry killed" Iris says looking at her friends.

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