15- Get a Haircut

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(Season  2 x8)

Barry and Katrina decided to start pushing themselves trying to get as fast as they can possibly can, they knew they needed to if they were to face Zoom again.  "That's good, Barry, Kat" they hear Harry say and the slow the treadmills down, it coming to a stop. Barry and Katrina then head into the room that Harry and Caitlin had been watching them from.

"We're not getting any faster, are we?" Katrina asks them.
"Well—" Caitlin starts to say.
"No, you're not" Harry straightforward says to them.

"All right, well let's fix this, right? I mean, we can't beat Zoom at this speed. It felt like I was standing still next to him" Barry says to them.

"Oh, that's because you practically were. Zoom is at least three, four times faster than you both at this point" Harry says to them.
"How is he so much faster than Barry, and Kat are, and Jay was?" Caitlin then asks.

"Physiology, form, strength. Could be a number of things. Attitude, diet...." Harry explains.
"Okay, well there's gotta be something we can do about it. So, let's just figure it out. Fast, okay" Barry says.
"Please do" Katrina adds, "we've got to head out, let us know if you find anything" she adds as her and Barry leave the lab.

The next day, Barry and Katrina are up in their lab looking over crime scene photos from the night before, "Man, this was a bloodbath" Joe comments.
"All done by one person" Katrina tells him.
"One person did all this?" Patty asks.
"Yeah, you are able to see it from the blood pattern. This man was shot first" Katrina points to one picture.

"Then the police chief, then these three were stabbed, before finishing of the Captain" Barry goes on to tell her pointing to each picture.
"Wow! Do you two think a meta-human did it?" Patty then asks.
"We're not sure, but we found this in all the stab victims' wounds" Barry says picking up an evidence bag, "It's some type of cryptocrystalline. Flint, most likely. Probably broke off the blade during the fight. We'll run it to make sure" Barry says looking at Joe.

"Let's see what stores sell those kind of flint knives" Joe tells Patty.
"Will do" Patty says as she walks away leaving their lab.
"I will take this and run it" Katrina says taking the evidence bag from Barry smiling at him, as she walks toward the computer.

"Okay" he smiles at her, watching her walk away to her desk.
"Just let me know what you find out" Joe says to her, as he then leaves the lab.

As Katrina and Barry continue to go over the crime scene, and wait for the results from the evidence they collected, both their phones start to go off. "It's" "Cisco" they say to one another, as they see he has set of his distress signal, at Jitters. They both race off to change into their suits and head for Jitters, arriving they spot a man, about to attack Cisco and his new girlfriend Kendra, and both speedsters ram at the man, making him fall down.

"You are done here, pal" Barry says to the man.
"So is he" the man says as he gets up and tosses a knife at Cisco. Katrina races off, and grabs the knife before it can stab Cisco. They then look back to see that the man was gone, Cisco takes a deep sigh of relief, "Ohh, thank God, Kat" he then says to her.

"Cisco, seriously" she says as he just revealed her name to Kendra.
They decide to take Kendra back to STAR Labs, and once there, Barry and Katrina change back into their normal clothes, as they call in the rest of the team. "I can't believe you two are the Flash and Bolt, and that you work with the Flash and Bolt" Kendra says smiling at Cisco.

He lightly laughs, "Yeah, let's keep that on the DL" Cisco tells her,
"This is the same knife that was used to kill the men at the docks" Barry tells everyone, "the residues a perfect match" he adds as he takes his gloves off.

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