29- Got Frisky

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Season 2 x 14

On Earth-2

"I know you're here, Harrison Wells, and you did not come alone" Zoom is racing all over Central City sending out pictures with the words BRING ME WELLS, "You can try and hide but I'm the fastest man alive. I will scour this city until I hunt you down" he stands a top a building letting a bunch of flyers go, as he looks to where he had burned the words into a building. " And when I do, all of you will feel my wrath"

"CCPN is reporting that Dr. Harrison Wells, the infamous founder of STAR Labs, who uncharacteristically has gone unseen for nearly four months, is now a wanted man. These images and messages went up moments ago throughout Central City by Zoom" the reporter on the news is saying, as Harry watches, he then shuts it off.

"Have you seen Channel 52?" Earth-2 Henry comes in asking him, "You're not safe here, Dr. Wells. Zoom's looking for you"

"I know what he's doing. Alert security, evacuate STAR Labs, lock down the facility" Harry instructs him.
"What about you?" Henry asks him.
"Don't worry about me, Henry. Just get everyone out of here now. Now! Go!" Harry tells him, and he abruptly leaves.

Just then the door behind Harry opens and he picks up his gun aiming it, "Harry-don't shoot!" Cisco shouts as he puts his hands up and leans against the wall, with Earth-2 Katrina beside him.
Harry sighs, "Damn it, Ramon" Harry says to him as they both sigh, "Where's Allen?" he asks, "Why is she here?" Harry asks seeing Katrina's doppelganger.

"Zoom took him" Cisco tells him.
"I promised your Barry that I would protect him, that's why I am here Doctor Wells" she tells him.
"What?" he asks.
"We tracked down Deathstorm and Killer Frost, met my doppelganger, Reverb. Super evil guy, super evil powers. The three of them almost took down Barry until Zoom showed up, killed Cisco-2, killed Deathstorm for hurting a speedster but then he left Killer Frost alive and then took off with Barry" Cisco finishes explaining.

"How are you still alive?" Harry asks him.
"Looks like he cares even less about me than you do, Harry" he says to him.
"No, no, Zoom doesn't do anything by accident. Did he follow you here?" Harry asks as he then goes over to his computer.
"I've seen Heat like 50 times, okay? I know how to shake a tail. He didn't follow me" Cisco says to him.

"I took a him on a very secure route, Zoom wouldn't be able to know where we went" Katrina-2 says. "Check this out" Cisco then says as he reaches into his bag, "I jacked these from my dead ringer. I think we can tweak these puppies, use them to find Zoom" he tells Harry holding onto the goggles.

"Damn it" Harry says taking the goggles from Cisco, "Ramon, we don't have time for this. Zoom is hunting us. Zoom is hunting us! We need to make an alternate plane because if we don't, Zoom is"
"Stop thinking like that" Cisco says taking the goggles back, "We're gonna find Jesse and we're gonna find Barry. I know we will" he says as he takes his back off.

"Hello is anyone there. Okay whoever's responsible for this, oh boy, we're gonna have words. The two of us, okay? This is not okay" they then hear a voice on the table saying.
"Barry-2" Cisco says looking at Harry.

Harry, Katrina-2 and Cisco head to the closet that Earth-2 Barry had been locked inside, Harry unlocks the handcuffs, "Dr. Wells, this is very disappointing. I mean the two of you should be ashamed of yourselves. You can't just lock someone in a room like this. Katrina, were you a part of this?" Barry-2 asks her.

"No, Barry I wasn't, it's a very difficult story" she tells him.
"How long was I in here for?" Earth-2 Barry asks them.
"Barely a day" Harry says.
"One day?" Barry-2 asks, "One day. Oh, geez, my wife's going to be worried sick. Dr. Wells" Barry-2 says.

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