50- Crazy Pants

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Back at STAR Labs, Cisco continues to keep vibing for Katrina and Hunter, "Did you see Kat?" Iris asks him.
"No, the vibe keeps changing" Cisco tells her. "It's like my brain is channel surfing or something" Cisco says.

"They must be on the move, that's why the vibe's in flux. Keep trying?" Caitlin says as Cisco sits down. Jesse and Harry then come into the room, "Hey did you turn off the Magnetar?" Caitlin ask them.
"No, there's no messing with that thing. Whatever he did to it, we try and touch it, we try and move it, this planet done for" Harry tells her.

Just then Wally walks into the cortex, and he sees the concerned look on his dad and sister's face, "Dad, Iris what's wrong?" he asks them.
"Zoom took Kat" Iris tells him.
"What? How?" he asks.
"Kat had gotten me out of the way, and Zoom took her" Joe says to him.
"We tried to stop Zoom by pushing him through the breach, but he took Kat with him" Caitlin explains.

"Well, where's Barry? Did he go after them?" Wally asks.
"Uh he's not with us" Jesse says, "he's in a cell intake-" she stops as Harry looks at her telling her not to say anymore.
"Wait, you... you tried to stop Zoom without Barry?" he says to them.
"Long story" Harry says.

"Well, we have to get her back, she's your best friend Iris, she's Barry's girlfriend" Wally says to them,
"Wally before Zoom took Kat, we all agreed that if we got him off this Earth, we would close the breaches for good and we would never open them again, under any circumstances." Iris tells him.

"Why, why would you do that. She is your friend, you guys can't just leave her behind like that." Wally says to her.
"Wally, she agreed to this" Iris says to him.
"Well, guess what? I didn't agree to that! I don't think Barry agreed either" Wally says as he starts to leave.
"Wally" Joe says to him.
"Dad, I already lost mom. And Kat's been like a big sister to me, and I can't lose anyone else" he says before storming off.


Katrina groans as she comes to seeing that she is chained up, and in a glass cell, "I will say, if anything, Barry sure as an ample number of loved ones to kill" she hears Hunter say.
"If you want to kill me, just do it already" Katrina says to him. "It doesn't really matter because you won't be racing anyone" she says.

"Come on, Kat, you know Barry better than that, you love him. He will say yes, if he thinks he can save  you" Hunter says to her.
"He won't be coming this time, we made sure of it" Katrina tells him, as she then sees a man in an iron mask locked up in a cell similar to hers.  "Who is that?" she asks.

"It would just confuse you" he says to her.
"Go ahead, try me" she says to him.
"I got my speed the same way you and Barry did.  When I got struck by the dark matter and electricity, I became Zoom, the fastest man alive. It wasn't long before I had this Earth on its knees. But it wasn't fast enough. I wanted more. I wanted to be faster. So I created a speed drug" he says to her.

"Let me guess Velocity Nine" she says to him.
"It made me faster than I ever thought possible. Fast enough to break the dimensional barrier, fast enough to run to other universes, other Earths. And then one day, on one of those other Earths, I discovered him" Hunter says as he looks at the man.
"He's like us another speedster" Katrina says.

"Yeah, you could say that. That was right about the time I discovered something else, too. All that V-Nine I'd been injecting into my system had a little side effect" he says.
"It was killing you" she then says.
"I searched for a cure. I tried everything. I even tried to manipulate the Speed Force. But let me tell you, the Speed Force... The Speed Force does not like its rules being broken. Now it's been sending its enforcers after me ever since." He says to her.

"Wraiths" Katrina whispers to herself, "So what you brought him here so you can steal his speed" she then says.
"I tried, but it wouldn't take.  But then the skies parted and I saw Barry and you. And then I stole your speeds. I won. I beat the rules of the Speed Force" he tells her.
"So why keep him here?" she then asks.

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