42-Grandpa Simpson

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Once back at STAR Labs, Iris helps check Katrina over, "it's just bruised ribs, I should be fine in a day or two. Not like I haven't been hurt like this before" she says as Iris patches her up.

"During your time with Batman, I'm guessing" Iris then says to her.
"Yep" she says as she tries to smile, and groans instead.
"So his genes have actually mutated" she hears Jesse say as Barry takes her hand in his and helps her off the bed. "I ran the DNA from the blood sample Kat found and the functional myostatin in his cells is essentially gone" she explains as they walk over to the main desk in the cortex. "I mean, giving him super-strength." She adds.

"Guys, there's something else. We watched him age, right in front of us" Katrina says.
"Yeah, he's suffering from oxidative stress." Jesse says and Joe looks at her, "It means the protein and the DNA in his body are being ravaged by oxidants" she explains to Joe.
"So, what? He needs to up his blueberry intake?" Joe says.

Jesse chuckles, "No, it means, the more he exerts himself, the faster he ages." Jesse says.
"So if we can get him to exert too much energy, then-" Barry says.
"He would be come old and weak" Katrina finishes saying for him.

"And how do you think we're gonna do that?" Joe asks. "I can't watch you two be a human punching bag until he turns into Grampa Simpson" Joe says.
"I think we can fix that" Cisco suddenly says, "Jesse, I'm gonna need some of that quick thinking of yours" he says to her as they leave.

"Kat" Joe says as he points at Barry who was standing there looking at his suit. "I've gotta head back to the station, Iris you coming?" he says to his daughter who nods, as they leave.

Katrina slowly walks over to Barry, "Hey you okay?" she asks him.
"I should be asking you that" he says to her.
"Nothing I've never been through before" she smiles at him.
"You know the day when we first got our powers, you were the first person I wanted to save. We we're walking with Iris, talking to her about Eddie, and how she was with him, and I was thinking to myself how I'd missed a lot while I was in that coma. And then , all of a sudden those cars came at us, and it was like the world froze. You and I were the only two people in the world, we didn't even know what we could do yet, but I knew that I could save you and Iris , and I did. And now, I don't know, I don't...I just don't even know who I am anymore, or who I'm supposed to be" he says to her.

"Barry, the person you are supposed to be is the same guy you have always been

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"Barry, the person you are supposed to be is the same guy you have always been. Suit or no suit, that guy is a hero" Katrina smiles at him, and he looks right back at her and smiles back at him. "I love you no matter what Barry, you are my hero and you will always be my hero." She says as she wraps her hands around his neck and kisses him.
"Thanks Kat" he says looking at her, "I needed that" he tells her.

"You know I am always good for advice" she tells him.
"You always are" he smiles at her.
"Come on, let's try and find our meta and save Harry" she says as she leads Barry back into the other room running facial recognition again.

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