12- Demonic Claws

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The next night, Barry and Katrina arrive at the docks where Linda was set up to 'attack' them, "Well here we are Light" Katrina says to her, as they stand there looking at her.
"But we're gonna skip the part where you say you're gonna kill us, and go right to the part where we don't let you" Barry says as the three of them circle each other.

"I'm here to kill you Flash and Bolt" Linda says loudly to them.  "Wait, what are we doing, we're skipping that" she then whispers at them.
"Yes" Barry whispers back at her.
"I am loyal to Zoom, so get ready to fry" Linda then says as she raises her hands, and she shoots light at them, completely missing the two speedsters. They both then pretend that she had hit them, and groan in fake pain.

"Gotcha" Linda then says.
"Yeah you did" Barry says as him and Katrina get back up.
"Real good" Linda says to them. "Bring it on" she says to them. The two heroes rush Linda as she hits them both with her beams. Katrina and Barry groan in pain at each hit the connects with their body. They both start to fall down to ground, as they are overtaken, "Told you" Linda says as she walks up to the speedsters, "Zoom always wins" she says to the speedsters, as she rips the symbols off their suits.

"You're okay, right?" Linda then asks quietly.
"Yeah, yeah" Barry tells her.
"We had to make it look real" Katrina adds.
Linda then walks away from them, "Here it is, Zoom! I did what you wanted. Now bring me home!" Linda shouts at she tosses the symbols into the breach.

Barry and Katrina lay there, and they just wait and wait, it has been over and hour and Zoom still had not made an appearance. Barry then starts to move, "Hey, you're not suppose to move" Katrina whispers to him.
"I'm sorry, its been over an hour and I landed in a ridiculous position. My foot fell asleep" he says to her.
"He's probably just waiting to see if you're really dead. Any minute now, he's gonna strike." Cisco says to them.

Katrina and Barry look at one another, both knowing that this plan was a failure, and they both sit up, "No" Barry says, as he pulls his mask down and Katrina takes hers off.
"I'm sorry, I probably screwed up somehow" Linda then says.
"No, Linda, you did great" they hear Iris saying. Harry then walks by them with Joe, as he takes his gun and knocks over some nearby cans, anger clearly on his face.

"So, Wells ain't taking this well" Joe says to the three of them, as Barry and Katrina joined Linda.
"Mmm-hmm" Barry says as he looks down.
"How about you?" Joe then asks Barry.
"Yeah, it just sucks, you know" Barry says as him and Katrina walk off with Joe. "But you were right, a little bit, about this not being just about Zoom, about it being about the Reverse Flash" Barry says to Joe, and the three of them come to a stop.

"Okay" Joe says looking at Barry.
"But not for the reason that you think. Not because I didn't beat him, It's...." Barry shakes his head, "Wells, he said something to me on that video before he confessed to my mom's murder. He said that even if he was dead, that he still won because I wasn't happy. That I'd never really be happy." Barry says to them.

"How the hell would he know?" Joe then asks.
"He knew me, he knows future me" Barry then says.
"But that is future you Barry, this is the you that is here and now" Katrina then says to Barry.

"I still think that Wells is right" Barry says, and Katrina feels a sting in her heart thinking that she wasn't making Barry happy. "Ever since I went back to that night and I didn't save her, I didn't save my mom, I just.... there's just been this void in me.  You know, I just feel like that is always gonna be there. For better or worse, Wells, he knew me" Barry says to them, and Katrina can feel her eyes swell up.

"Better than I or Kat know you?" Joe then asks him. "He may have stalked you for 15 years, but I raised you. And this girl is madly in love with you, how can you not be happy about that. Look, Wells said what he said to you, to mess with you. To get in your head one last time. If you listen to him, you let him win" Joe says to Barry.

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